
Arranging text and graphic objects

By default, text and graphic objects appear in the window in the order in which they were drawn, from bottom layer to top layer. The Title window includes options for arranging text and graphic objects.

To arrange the stacking order of text and graphic objects:

1 With the selection tool (), select a text or graphic object.

2 Do one of the following:

  • Choose Title > Bring to Front.
  • Choose Title > Send to Back.

  • 3 Repeat with other objects as necessary until type and objects are stacked the way you want.

    To center type or objects in the drawing area:

    1 With the selection tool (), select a text or graphic object.

    2 Do any combination of the following as necessary to achieve the centering you want:

  • Choose Title > Center Horizontally.
  • Choose Title > Center Vertically.
  • Choose Title > Position in Lower Third.

  • Creating Titles > Arranging text and graphic objects