Customizing the Timeline window
You can customize the Timeline display, including how it represents clips when you view or edit them in the Timeline. For information on customizing the Timeline's tracks, see Customizing track views.
To customize the Timeline window:
1 In the Timeline window menu, choose Timeline Window Options.
2 In the Icon Size section, select the size of the preview icon you want in the Timeline. If you expect to use many tracks or work on a small monitor, choosing a small icon size will make it possible to display more tracks.
3 In the Track Format section, select an option:
The first option displays sample frames along the duration of a clip. This option makes it easier to find a frame, but slows display and does not include the filename.The second option displays the clip's poster and ending frames as well as the filename.The third option displays the poster frame and the filename. The fourth option displays the filename only. This option displays the fastest.
4 In the Audio section, choose an option from the drop-down menu. This option indicates the time zoom level at which an audio waveform will be visible in the Timeline.
5 In the Options section, specify the following options as necessary, and then click OK:
From the Count menu, select the unit of time displayed in the Timeline.Specify a Zero Point if you want the starting timecode for the video program to be other than 00:00:00:00. This option also sets the starting timecode when you export an EDL.For On Insert, select Shift Material in All Unlocked Tracks if you want all tracks to move when you insert a clip into the Timeline, or select Shift Material Only in Target Tracks if you want only the target tracks to be affected when you insert a clip. To alternate between these two options, click the Toggle Shift Tracks Options button ( ) at the bottom of the Timeline window.Select Show Markers to display clip and Timeline markers. Deselect this option if the Timeline contains many markers and if you want to view the Timeline with less clutter. See Using markers.Select Block Move Markers to move Timeline markers when you move unlocked tracks by using the multitrack select tool or by performing an insert or ripple edit when Shift Material in All Unlocked Tracks is selected. Deselect this option if you want Timeline markers to remain in place. This option does not affect clip markers. Markers do not move for any tool except the multitrack tool.
In the Timeline, you can cycle through each time display option by pressing Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you click the time ruler. The time display options cycle in the order they appear in the Count menu in the Timeline Window Options dialog box, described earlier in this section.
Editing Video > Using the Timeline window > Customizing the Timeline window