
Using the Trim view

The Monitor window Trim view is a precise way to trim clips interactively in any video track. You can perform ripple or rolling edits at any edit along the Timeline. As you make adjustments, you see the frames on both sides of the edit. You can also set a range of frames you see on both sides of the edit to expand your view of the context of the edit. The Timeline updates as you perform the edit.

When you're not in Trim view, the left monitor displays source clips and the right monitor displays the program. When you use the Trim view, both monitors represent clips in the program--the left monitor is the clip to the left of the edit line, and the right monitor is the clip to the right of the edit line.

Note: When you perform any action that requires moving a clip's In or Out point outward, such as adding frames in the Trim view, additional frames must be available in the clip's source (master) clip beyond the current In or Out point. For example, if you didn't trim the beginning or ending of a source clip before adding it to the Timeline, the edit line may already be at the first or last frame available from the source, so you will not be able to move its In or Out point any further out.

To switch to Trim view:

Click the Trim Mode button () at the top of the Monitor window. You can also choose Trim Mode from the Monitor window menu.

To find the edit you want to trim:

1 Select the target tracks in the Target drop-down menu.

2 Click the Previous Edit () or Next Edit () buttons. The frames on either side of the new edit line position appear in the Monitor Trim view.

To perform a ripple edit using Trim view:

1 Click the left or right view to activate the clip you want to trim. The respective active clip is indicated both by green timecode numbers and the depressed Set Focus Left or Set Focus Right buttons.

2 Do any combination of the following:

  • To remove one frame from the left clip when it is active, or add one frame to the clip on the right when it is active, click the Trim Left button (). To edit multiple frames, click the Trim Left n Frames button ().
  • To add one frame to the clip on the left when it is active, or remove one frame from the clip on the right when it is active, click the Trim Right button (). To edit multiple frames, click the Trim Right n Frames button ().

  • Note: You can set the number of frames edited by the Trim Left n Frames or Trim Right n Frames buttons (see the procedure "To set Trim view options" later in this section).

  • To perform a ripple edit numerically, type a negative number (to move left) or a positive number (to move right) in the space between the buttons, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
  • To perform an interactive ripple edit, drag the jog tread for the left or right clip, or drag to the left or the right in either Trim view image once the corresponding ripple edit tool () or () appears in the respective image.

  • To perform a rolling edit using Trim view:

    1 Click the Set Focus Both button () or click in the space between the clip windows to activate both the clips to the left and right of the edit line.

    2 Do any of the following:

  • To remove one frame from the left clip and add one frame to the clip on the right, click the Trim Left button (). To edit multiple frames, click the Trim Left n Frames button ().
  • To add one frame to the left clip and remove one frame from the clip on the right, click the Trim Right button (). To edit multiple frames, click the Trim Right n Frames button ().

  • Note: You can set the number of frames edited by the Trim Left n Frames or Trim Right n Frames buttons (see the procedure "To set Trim view options" later in this section).

  • To perform a rolling edit numerically, type a negative number (to move left) or a positive number (to move right) in the space between the buttons, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
  • To perform an interactive rolling edit, drag left or right in the empty space between the two views.

  • To cancel an edit:

    Click the Cancel Edit () button.

    To preview the edit:

    Click the Play Edit button ().

    To return to the Source/Program view:

    Click the Dual View button () at the top of the Monitor window.

    To set Trim view options:

    1 In the Monitor window menu, choose Monitor Window Options.

    2 In the Trim Mode Options section, select one of the following options:

  • Click the first view option to display the frame to the left of the tail (the clip to the left of the edit line) and the frame to the right of the head (the clip to the right of the edit line).
  • Click the second view option to display the tail of the left clip with small representations of the frames before and after the tail, and the head of the right clip with small representations of the frames before and after the head.
  • Click the third view option to display--from top to bottom--small representations of the fifth and first frames before the tail of the left clip or the head of the right clip, a large representation of the tail or the head, and small representations of the first and fifth frames after the tail or head.

  • 3 For Large Frame Offset, specify the number of frames that will be trimmed when you use the multiple-frame trim buttons ([] or []) that trim five frames by default.

    4 Select Play Previews at Maximum Size when the program frame size is smaller than the available space in the Monitor window and you want trim previews to appear at the largest size that fits in the Monitor window. Then click OK.

    Editing Video > Editing a video program > Using the Trim view