Moving clips in time In general, moving a clip is as simple as dragging it to any empty track area in the Timeline. A clip can snap to the edge of another clip, to a marker, to the start and end of the Timeline, or to the edit line. To move a clip to a point earlier or later in the program: Drag the clip to the left or right, position the clip by watching the In point and Out point indicator lines (if you stay on the same track) or the black rectangle that represents the clip duration (if you drag to a different track), and then release the mouse button. Note: If you have Sync mode turned on (for more information on Sync mode, see Linking video and audio clips in the Timeline) and you drag a clip containing both video and audio, Premiere attempts to keep video and audio on similar tracks. For example, if you drag a clip on track Video 3, Premiere will drag the clip's audio along on Audio 3. If you try to drag the video part of the clip to a time where the track Video 3 is empty and Audio 3 is occupied, Premiere will move the audio clip to the next empty audio track at that time so that you can complete the drag. If there is no empty audio track at that time, Premiere will not allow the move. To snap the edge of a clip to the edge of another clip or a marker: 1 Make sure that Snap to Edges is selected in the Timeline window menu. If it isn't selected, choose it in the Timeline window menu, or click the Toggle Snap to Edges button ( 2 Drag the edge of a clip close to the edge of another clip or a marker. To snap a marker as you drag the clip that contains it: 1 Make sure that Snap to Edges is selected in the Timeline window menu. If it isn't selected, choose it in the Timeline window menu, or click the Toggle Snap to Edges button ( 2 With the selection tool selected ( 3 As the blue arrow appears, drag the marker to the edge of another clip, a marker, or the edit line. As you drag, the blue arrow changes to a grabber hand, and the marker you're dragging snaps to other clip edges, markers, or the edit line. Editing Video > Editing a video program > Moving clips in time |