Logging clips to a batch list Specify which scenes you want to use from the source tapes by logging scenes--typing the beginning and ending times--in a batch list. If you have set up device control in the Preferences dialog box to remotely control your camera or deck, you can create a batch list of clips automatically by using the clip-logging controls in Premiere, and then use Premiere to capture all the clips in the list automatically. You control tape playback from within Premiere and mark scenes as you see them. This is the easiest and most efficient method. There may be times when you plan to capture video using a deck controlled by Premiere, but you don't have continuous access to the computer connected to that deck. This can happen because device-controllable decks are more expensive than decks without device control. For example, you may be using a device-controllable deck in an editing suite where you rent time, or many editors might have to share a device-controllable deck in a company or school. In these cases you can log clips manually, using equipment as simple as a home VCR, a copy of the source tape with burned-in (visible) timecode, and a sheet of paper. With this method, you log frame numbers by hand and later type the log manually into the Premiere batch list for use during the capture session with the device-controllable deck. To add batch-list entries using device control: 1 Make sure that device control settings are correctly specified. See Capturing clips with device control. 2 Choose File > Capture > Movie Capture. ![]() 3 Click the Logging tab, and type the reel name used for the video tape. (You may be asked to specify the Reel Name each time you insert a new tape, depending on the device control software and the video deck.) 4 Use the controls in the Movie Capture dialog box to move to the place in the videotape where you want to start capturing the clip, and click Mark In ( Note: When setting In and Out points in the Movie Capture window, you can use either the Mark In ( 5 Use the controls in the Movie Capture dialog box to move to the place in the videotape where you want to stop capturing, and click Mark Out ( 6 Click Log In/Out. Then type a new filename if you don't want to use the default name, type any comments you want to add, and click OK. 7 Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each clip that you want to capture from this reel. 8 Close the Movie Capture window. 9 If you have another tape that you want to capture, insert it, update the reel name in the Batch Capture window, and repeat steps 2 through 8. 10 Make sure that the Batch Capture window is active and choose File > Save. If necessary, specify a location and a filename, and then click OK. To add batch-list entries manually: 1 Open a new or existing batch list by doing one of the following: 2 Click Add New Item ( 3 Click OK, and then choose File > Save. 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of the entries in your timecode log. Capturing and Importing Source Clips > Batch-capturing video > Logging clips to a batch list |