Using a Premiere project on another platform
Premiere project files are designed to be usable across computer platforms. You can open and work with a Premiere project on any other platform on which Premiere 6.0 is available.
Transferring a Premiere project to another platform is similar to moving a Premiere project to another computer: You must move not only the project file, but all of the source clips used in the project. In addition, follow these guidelines:
All of the source files must be in a format supported by the destination platform. For example, if you plan to transfer a project to Mac OS for editing, don't use Windows PCX files. For more information about filename extensions and platform support for various file formats, see Importing clips.All files must conform to the destination platform's filename conventions. For best results, use the 8.3 filename convention (eight characters and a three-character filename extension). For example, a Premiere project uses the extension .PPJ.For best results, make sure that source clips are saved using cross-platform codecs such as Motion JPEG A or Motion JPEG B, provided by QuickTime.Any fonts used in titles must be available on the destination platform.When you open the project on the other platform, you'll be asked to locate each source clip (see Opening a project). You might want to remove unused clips (see Naming, finding, and deleting items) or run the Project Trimmer (see Removing unused frames from source clips) so that you don't have to transfer any more clips than necessary.
Many Premiere settings files can be transferred across platforms, including batch capture lists (Windows filename extension: .PBL), batch processing lists (.HBP), edit decision lists (.EDL), exported file lists (.TXT), filmstrip files (.FLM), motion settings (.PMT), project files (.PPJ), project settings (.PRS), storyboards (.PSQ), and titles (.PTL).
Command sets (.PFN) and transition sets (.PFX) files cannot be transferred across platforms.
If you have trouble opening a project file from another platform by double-clicking, try using the File > Open command from within Premiere.
Working with Projects > Using a Premiere project on another platform