Removing unused frames from source clips Editing a video program means putting the best segments of the original clips into the program. Sometimes, the clips you use in the final program are only small portions of the original clips. Because video clips can take up large amounts of hard disk space, you can trim the project so that unused frames are removed. Project trimming is especially useful before archiving a completed project. When you trim a project, Adobe Premiere first creates a copy of the project. In the new project, each clip's original In and Out points become the new beginning and ending of the clip, -respectively. Clips that weren't used in the original project aren't copied into the new project. Premiere can also create trimmed copies of the source clips. You can preserve extra frames (called handles) before the In point and after the Out point of each trimmed clip. To trim a project: 1 With a project open, choose Project > Utilities > Project Trimmer. 2 Select Create Trimmed Batch List to create a batch list that can be used to redigitize the trimmed versions of the clips. For more information, see Creating a batch list to redigitize project clips. 3 Select Copy Trimmed Source Files to make new copies of existing source files that include only the frames used in the Timeline plus handles as specified below. 4 For Keep _ Frame Handles, type the number of frames to retain before the In point and after the Out point of each clip so that edits can still be adjusted later. Note: Adding handles after trimming a project a second time will offset your In and Out points. 5 Click Create Project. 6 When asked, specify the location and name of the new project based on the trimmed clips; make sure it's a different folder than the original location. Click Save. 7 Close the original project. Choose File > Open, locate the trimmed version, and click OK. 8 Examine the trimmed version of the project. If it's satisfactory, you can delete the original project and its source clips or move them to an archive disk. Working with Projects > Removing unused frames from source clips |