There are only a few things you need to know about tha database.
A blue field is a (multi-)selected row.
The field with a rectangle around it is the active (selected) row.
In the button bar there's a small icon, it presents the sorted field and in which order.
Above you see that the Artist field is sorted as A -> Z.
When the icon is upside-down the field is sorted Z -> A.
You can also control the database with the Search, Explorer and Filter options.
Search option:
When you click on the searchbutton the "Database search menu" opens.
Here you can type any kind of text to search for in the database.
The search isn't casesensitive so it doesn't matter if you type lower- or highcase characters.
When you click on first and it is found, the next button will be enabled so
search for the next match. If the next match doesn't exists the Next button will
be disabled.
Explorer option:
Here you may choose between the Database or Directory view.
When you click on the Database the database will be shown.
On the other hand if you click on a Directory or Drive all MP3 files that
exist in that directory will be shown.
Filter option:
When you want see specific database records only, you may set a filter to
show only the corresponding records.
In the first listbox you choose between filter fields:
- None: Turn filter off
- Artist: Only artist
- Title: Only title
- Genre 1: Only genre 1
- Genre 2: Only genre 2
- ID: Only ID
The next box has all ID3v1 genres fields to choose from or just type
something else to filter on.
If the above selected field corresponds to the typed/chosen
text the record will be shown.
Add to playlist: Adds the selected record(s) to the playlist
Pre-listen track: Listen to record before you add it to tht database
Stop pre-listening: Stops the listening of the record
Edit info track(s): Edit the record(s),
ID3v1 & ID3v2 settings
Remove track(s): Removes the tracks from the database