DSP Main Window
DSP Window

The main DSP window has some options and the active DSP plugins.
The left and right player have there own DSP configuration window.
In the right/top corner of the window there's a small button which expands/collaps the window.
You can also de-activate a plugin by clicking on the checkbox.

If for some reason you can't get window of DSP back:
- Select the plugin and press the "R" on your keyboard
That will reload the plugin.

The top most plugin goes first, and the last node is last (Shoutcast is always the latest). As you can see in the image BPMeter is first, then Arboretum, etc.

ADD: Add a DSP to the active list

DEL: Delete the selected node from the list

CFG: Shows the configure screen of the DSP

DOWN: Moves the selected node 1 priority down

UP: Moves the selected node 1 priority up

?: Shows the about box and the option to choose a skin

LOAD: Load a saved DSP configuration from file

SAVE: Saved the selected DSP configuration to file