1 Open 104 SOFTWARE\Classes\HTTP\shell\open\command 106 AppPath 107 http://www.musicmatch.com/ 200 200, OK- no further action necessary 210 210, Request accepted, more data follows 230 230, Server closing - Goodbye 300 300, Server pending 510 510, No request sent to server 550 550, The request to the server is invalid 590 590, the server has timed out 1400 QueryInfoStatusCode returned Unintelligible request 1404 URL not found 1405 The server does not support the requested method 1500 Unknown server error 1503 Server capacity reached 2001 The Get New Key request failed 2002 The purchase MMJB request failed 2003 The FTP url is not valid 2004 There is no default browser set in registry 2005 The HTTP url is not valid 2006 ExecuteCommand returned nothing 2007 UploadCustoInfo: Trigger condition not satisfied