Online Settings are used to optimize the use of Musicmatch Radio, Musicmatch Downloads, and Musicmatch On Demands.
Select the menu Options>Settings>Online Music
Radio Cache - Uses a small portion of your hard drive to temporarily store radio streams before they are used. This helps improves performance and sound quality.
Choose a Cache size from the drop-down list. A larger cache size may help with stream reliability on slower systems.
Track Downloads
Select a folder where downloads will be stored
On Demand Playback
Chose settings on how to manage On Demand playback
Explicit Lyrics Filter
To avoid track containing profanity while playing Musicmatch Radio or On Demand tracks, select the check box in the Explicit Lyrics Filter section. To ensure the filter cannot be turned off by anyone other than the legal guardian, type in a password in the New Password field, and then re-type it in the Confirm field. The password will have to be entered in order to unselect the Filter.