A guide to using Help
Blue bullets represent a key feature, and are typically clickable to reveal more information.
Down arrows are clickable to expand additional information.
Small bullets often highlight features or functionality.
Notes are important concepts or tips.
Lightbulbs are useful ideas to help make usage easier, or more flexible.
Warning signs inform you of important information critical to the operation of Musicmatch Jukebox.
Popular Help gets you to the most used help topics quickly.
Blue usually means you can click it for more information.
Use the Back button to navigate to the previous page.
The Table of Contents is a quick way to find every subject.
If you need help finding a subject, type a relevant word into the Index.
For more advanced searches, use the Search dialog and enter any word, or string of words, you're looking for.
For additional help, please go to our website to view FAQs and detailed User Guides.