Activate Musicmatch® Slideshow

Musicmatch Slideshow displays your personal photographs while your music plays. Slideshow will display pictures, transitioning from one to the next, with many different transition effects.

  1. Select the View menu, and then select Visualizations>Chooser.

  2. Under Select Visualization, choose Musicmatch Slideshow Visualization, and then click Configure.

  3. Under Picture Folder, choose a folder where you keep photographs by clicking the '...' button.

  4. Next choose a Picture Interval, which is the amount of time each picture will display on the screen before transitioning to the next.

  5. Now choose the Picture Transitions and Animations. There are many to choose from so you should experiment to find the one you like best.

  6. Next choose your monitors resolution for Full Screen Slideshows. Full Screen Resolution will only apply if you have a check next to Cover entire screen (with cropping).

Other options include:

Window always on top - The Slideshow will always be on top of other open windows.

Layer filename on image - Displays the photo's file name without the file extension.

Layer date on image - Displays the date of the photograph.

Layer track data on image - Displays Artist, Track and Album information.


See also

Visualization Editor