1by1 - The Directory Player
Copyright ⌐ 2001-2004 Martin Pesch
General | Feature overview, Resume, Favorites |
Track handling | Move, Skip, Sort, Shuffle, Repeat |
Find and list | Directory finder, File finder, Playlists, Cue sheets |
Shortcuts | Keyboard shortcuts, Hotkeys, Command line options |
Configuration | MP3 and Plugin formats, Audio settings, Enhancer |
What's new | |
FAQ, Contact | |
Homepage |
General features
The Directory Player
1by1 is a small and versatile audio player for MP3 and dll/plugin supported audio formats like WAV, OGG, MP2 or CD Audio. Without the need for a playlist it plays multiple files from a directory or a whole disk. You can simply start your tracks in an explorer-style file view, load them through the command line (e.g. if associated with file type) or drag them over the window.
The player focuses on easy file handling and enhanced play features. You won't find visual goodies
like fullscreen plugins* or skins. But 1by1 has extra features like built in dynamic audio enhancing,
track mixing, file searching, Cue sheet and Playlist support.
Note: In some cases configuring additional files may be required: for MP3 the mpglib.dll
if no system decoder is installed, for other formats plugin files.
More details in the Configuration section.
* If you want to enable audio visualisation with 1by1 the standalone
version of G-Force is highly recommended (link at the homepage).
Resume Play and Auto Resume
The Resume Play function remembers the last played file and the position. Resume Play is activated by pressing the Stop/Play button (works like Pause) after starting 1by1.
With Auto Resume 1by1 will resume immediately after being started. It is enabled by setting the /r option in the command line (e.g. in the command line of a desktop shortcut for 1by1). See also under command line options.
The Main/Favorites menu can contain up to 30 favorite tracks, folders, Cue sheets or playlists. On files also the track position will be saved. If you want a Favorite playing from beginning you must set it within the first 5 seconds. The Menu appears by pressing F1 or the right mouse button in the control button area.
Single tracks play immediately after selecting them. For folders and lists choosing the Favorite causes only a jump to the new location.
Track handling
Moving and skipping tracks
With the Next button you can move a selected track to the position after the currently playing track. To exclude a track from playing select it and press the Skip button. Skip and Next can also be found in the file context menu. A selected track (not the playing one) can also be moved up or down with Shift+(Page) Up/Down. To select a track click it once with the left button or use the (Page) Up/Down keys. If the folder is changed, reloaded or resorted any exclusions or position changes will be forgotten.
Tip: If you want the player to continue at another position in the list after the currently playing file simply press skip on the current file and select the next track to be played.
Sort and shuffle files
You can sort your tracks in the file list with the tabs as you know it from the explorer. The current sort mode is shown in the tab button with the sort direction (+) or (-). In shuffle mode no tab is marked because sort is disabled.
Shuffle (random file listing) is enabled by the Shuffle button in the button bar. To re-shuffle press the same button. To leave the Shuffle mode simply press one of the sort tab buttons.
Jumping into random directories is not possible. If you want to play a whole path shuffled it is recommended to use the file finder (see below).
Repeat modes
Find and list
Directory finder
1by1 can scan for folders, playlists and Cue sheets which contain known file types. Which folder will be found next depends on depth and alphabetical order of the folders.
To search a folder forward or backwards press the Find previous/next folder button (between track skip and repeat button). If "Auto search dirs" is enabled 1by1 will search the next folder when it reaches the end of the current.
If you don't want the searcher to find playlists and Cue sheets (e.g. to prevent files from being played twice) check the "Search skips playlists/Cue sheets" option in the control settings.
File finder
The find dialog can be reached by F3, Ctrl+F, the main menu or the tree context menu. It searches under the current path (always including subfolders) for files with supported types (MP3 and plugin depending).
You can enter a search string (e.g. a part of a track name, an artist or an extension) in the text field, a date range, a size range or a combination of all ("AND" combined). To list all (supported) files in a path press Search with no search text. Note: You can't interrupt the search process. On large folder structures, many files or on network drives the search may lock the program for some seconds.
Scanning all drives at once is not possible. Found files will be written to a temporary playlist which can be sorted like normal file lists.
Playlists and Cue Sheets
Playlists (*.m3u) and Cue Sheets (*.cue) appear like folders in the tree. A playlist shows names and path of each file. The list can be shown original order, sorted by filename or path or shuffled (shuffle always disabled in original order view). Cue sheets are used to display large files, e.g. CD images or DJ sets with track indices and titles. A Cue sheet can only be played in the given order. Start times must always be ascending.
Note: Cue sheets used together with VBR files will usually create incorrect cue positions. It is not possible locate exact positions in VBR files by time values. There also may be small time differences between an MP3 which is decoded by ACM/mglib or by a plugin.
Playlist View
A second list can be opened to compile playlists from different folders. Use the Playlist button in the toolbar (or Shift+F5) to switch it on or off. Initially the playlist view is always disabled. By closing 1by1 or the list its content will be lost.
To add files simply select them in the file view and press the Enqueue button showing an arrow up (or Shift+F6). You can also enqueue a file at the command line by starting a new instance of 1by1 with the command line option /enqueue (see Command line options). Files can also be dropped over the playlist view.
Playlist files (*.m3u) selected in the folder tree do not appear in the playlist view. But you can simply copy whole lists from the normal view to the playlist view by selecting all (Ctrl+A). To export a list as a playlist open the context menu over a file and select "Save/append ... to playlist" (depending on what you want to save - selected files or the whole list). This works even in the normal file view.
Shortcuts and external control
Keyboard shortcuts (changes in 1.45 bold)
Up/Down/Left/Right PgUp/PgDown Home/End, Tab |
Navigate |
Return or [x] | Play |
Space or [c,v] | Stop/Resume |
Left/Right | Track position (or folder tree control) |
Ctrl+Up/Down or Numpad [+] / [-] |
Volume |
Ctrl+Left/Right or Numpad [≈] / [╫] or [y,z] / [b] |
Play prev/next track |
Shift+Left/Right or [,] / [.] | Search prev/next folder |
Shift+Up/Down Shift+Page up/down |
Move track up/down |
Ins | Move track after current |
Del | Skip track |
Alt+Return or Ctrl+I | File info window |
Ctrl+A | Mark all |
Ctrl+D | Auto search dirs on/off |
Ctrl+G | Gapless mode on/off |
Ctrl+H | Go home (to current track) |
Ctrl+O | Cycle track order type |
Ctrl+P | Toggle order direction / re-shuffle |
Ctrl+Q | Quit program after current track |
Ctrl+R | Cycle repeat mode |
Ctrl+T | Show remaining/elapsed time |
Ctrl+U | Show upcoming/current file |
Ctrl+V | Add current track and position to Favorites |
F1 | Main/Favorites menu |
F2 | Rename/move file |
F3 or Ctrl+F | Find files |
F4 | Toggle tree view |
F5 | Rescan tree and file list |
F6 or Ctrl+S | Settings window |
F7 or Ctrl+C | Toggle compact view |
Shift+F5 | Toggle playlist view |
Shift+F6 | Enqueue file(s) after playlist view selection |
App key | File menu |
Remote control
The shortcuts can be used to control 1by1 by other programs, e.g. IRAssistant which is a nice tool to control applications with an IR remote controller. The file "1by1IRAssistant.cmd" is a basic command set. It can be easily expanded with IRAssistant by adding new commands.
Global Hotkeys
With global Hotkeys you can reach the most important play functions without switching to the application. Hotkeys can be enabled in the Control section of the settings window. The Hotkeys are F8 - F12 (see table), optionally combined with Alt or Ctrl. In Windows 2000/XP F12 may not work as an individual Hotkey so you should use the Alt or Ctrl combination.
(Ctrl+ / Alt+) F8 | Stop/Resume |
(Ctrl+ / Alt+) F9 | Previous track |
(Ctrl+ / Alt+) F10 | Next track |
(Ctrl+ / Alt+) F11 | Volume down |
(Ctrl+ / Alt+) F12 | Volume up |
Command line options
Usage: 1by1.exe <audio file / folder / Cue sheet / playlist> <options>
Auto Resume options: | |
/r | Resume the last track and position |
/rt | Play the last track from the beginning |
/rd | Play the last directory from the beginning (depending on how it is sorted) |
Other options: | |
/close | Close the program after playing one track |
/hide | Hide the window and enable the Systray icon |
/enqueue | Enqueue the given file to the playlist view |
/newinst | Starts a new instance ignoring the 'Only one instance' setting |
Settings window
The Settings dialog can be reached with the Settings button, by pressing F6 or Ctrl+S or from the Main/Favorites menu which is opened with the right mouse button in the control button area or F1.
Supported MPEG audio decoders
ACM Codec for MP3: recommended for MP3 decoding. Decodes Layer 3 only. It must be installed in the system. See under Multimedia settings / Audio Compression Codecs if you have one.
mpglib.dll: alternative decoder with good sound but a bit more cpu usage. Must be in 1by1's folder or your path. Version 0.92 decodes Layer 3 and Layer 2. It is available at 1by1's homepage.
Winamp Input Plugin Support
1by1 can use Winamp 2.x input plugins for playing different file formats.
Usage: put the needed plugin DLL files (in_*.dll) into your 1by1 directory. The program scans for them at startup. The additionally supported files will be shown in the file list, too. Without plugins the program shows only MP3 and MP2. For playing MP3 it's recommended to use an ACM rather than a plugin.
The plugin support is not 100% because the several plugins behave very differently. I have tested the following plugins - some in detail, others briefly. These plugins seem to work reliably: in_wave (2.0+2.06), in_vorbis (1.2b19+1.32), in_CDReader (1.95). Even working well: in_vorbis (1.13a), in_mp3 (2.75j), in_mp3pro (1.1), in_mod (2.2.10b29), in_mad (0.14.2b ...but mad makes problems with Resume and Cue sheet play: as Resume is not provided by plugins, 1by1 uses a trick: it starts the plugin and jumps to the resume position immediately. For some reason this doesn't work well with mad. 24/32 bit output of mad may work but I can't test it). At least playing a file (not further tested): in_mpp (1.7.9f), in_mod (1.3).
Plugins which don't use wave output are also supported. But note that waveout features like volume control, gapless or audio enhancer are not working with (the non-waveout mode of) these plugins. Successfully tested: in_midi (0.6), in_midi (3.01 - but slightly strange in mode "DirectMusic with output"), in_cdda (2.90a).
Audio settings
Maximum wave buffer: The default size is 32 KB. Vary this if the sound output is faulty. Shorter values may cause more cpu use.
Number of buffers: Default is 8. Increase this if the sound is interrupted. Values below 4 are not recommended.
Gapless output: Disabled by default. This option allows continuous audio output when the program starts the next file. E.g. when using the CDReader plugin the transitions of mixed CD tracks will not be interrupted. Gapless enables the additional options Silence skip and Overlap.
Skip silences: If enabled parts below -55 dB will be shortened. On plugin usage silence skipping may cause play interruption in rare cases. This function also improves the Overlap feature on tracks with pauses at the beginning or the end.
Overlap: Allows mixed track transitions! But beta - feel free to report how it works. Disabled by default. The maximum mix time depends on the total wave buffer size, so you need large buffer settings, e.g. 20 buffers with a size of 64 KB. A smaller buffer size may allow more acurate reaction, e.g. when using 32 buffers with 32 KB. With the threshold you can adjust the level of the old track at which the new track will be started and mixed over. The default value is -9 dB. It's recommended to enable the audio enhancer together with the Overlap feature. Note: Overlap works only with ACM or mpglib, not with plugins. Note 2: The original Gapless function will be slightly restricted as Overlap depends on fixed wave block sizes. Therefore gaps could occur between tracks with no end silences (e.g. mix excerpts). For those tracks you should use Gapless without Overlap.
Auto space: Waits the entered time (in millisecons, 1 second = 1000 ms) before starting the next track. Maximum is 10 seconds. Disables the Gapless output. Disabled by default.
Reverse balance (internal): Even 1by1 doesn't allow to adjust the balance it can store it if set somewhere else (e.g. in the Windows mixer). And some sound devices need a swapped balance. Only for these cases this option may be useful.
Built in audio enhancer and stereo wider
The DSP gets rid of tracks in different volumes. Depending on the settings and the audio material it can also drastically enhance the sound of tracks which already have full level. Note: The enhancer works only with 16 bit output (mono or stereo).
Max amp: maximum amplification (up to 20 dB = 10x)
Amp raise: time the enhancer tends towards the maximum amplification level. Faster raise will enhance more but can also cause more distortions on some input material. To keep the sound of dynamic music natural choose longer values (500 ms or more), to enhance the presence try shorter values (130...80 ms) combined with a faster 'Amp reduce' value (0.6...0.8 ms).
Amp reduce: if the maximum output level is too high the amplification will quickly be reduced with this speed. To minimize distortions it must not be too slow but even not too fast. Recommended values are from 0.6 ms to 1.0 ms.
Threshold: if enabled the enhancer tries to look ahead to reduce the amplification if the output level would pass the adjusted value. The output level is not generally limited to the threshold. It rather represents a 'headroom' to catch audible distortions if 'Amp reduce' does not react fast enough.
Input HP cutoff: if enabled the compressor uses a highpass filtered (less bass) analyze signal. This can help to reduce ugly "breathing" or "pumping" sounds of the compressor output. The result may sound more stable and fuller. On the other hand it may create bass distortions (especially on soft scenes with much deep bass). So a higher cutoff frequency may often require to lower the Threshold value.
Stereo separation: enhances the channel separation on a scale up to 50% before passing the compressor. On no extra stereo enhancement it shows "normal".
Other options (Control/Display)
High Priority: Disabled by default. Only recommended if other applications interfere with 1by1 and setting larger buffers and more buffers does not help.
Show created date: Disabled by default. If enabled the last row of the file list shows the creation date of a file instead of the date of the last modification.
Month colors: This special feature may be interesting for people who care for the date of their tracks (as me). It associates a color range to the 12 months of the year to allow a better overview of the seasons the files are dated. If the extension "Allow sort by month" is enabled you will have an additional sort option in the date row (indicated with "->M") which sorts the list at first by month and then by year.
What's new
v1.45, 2004-07-08 - Playlist View - Enqueue command line option - National language characters now sorting correctly - Thanks Peter - Multiple file selection enabled (working on some operations) - Faster sorting of loaded lists/folders, no reload - Finder does not need a temp file anymore - Favorites ordered by lists and files - List Favorites do not autostart anymore - Tree View menu extended - Compact view extended: options for hiding status bar and title, always on top; position independent of full view - Moving tracks in playlists did not work, fixed - Silence skipper now skips only at the beginning and end of songs - Ability to play growing files recovered - View divider could not be moved on enabled text button style - Several other modifications v1.44, 2004-01-24 - Overlap stablized against possible confusion - Silence skipping works with overlap - Path in Cue sheets and playlists shown separately - Independent row widths of file list, cue sheet and playlist - List and tree correctly hidden in compact view - Some minor enhancements and corrections v1.43, 2004-01-05 - Track mixing feature implemented! ("Overlap", see Audio settings) - File finder extended by date and size ranges - Command line: File + /close or /hide did not work - Thanks Christopher - Dir search buttons redrawn - mpglib handling slightly modified - Fixed: Repeat folder did not work properly - Thanks Lars-Ivar - Some other corrections v1.42, 2003-11-29 - File finder shows date and size - File date modification feature implemented - Special orientation feature: optional "Month colors" with opt. "sort by month" - Auto space implemented - Enhancer: optional highpass filter for input signal (see doc) - Enhancer: treble shifter removed - Enhancer: storing user settings enabled - Favorite storing modified - Icon re-designed - Context menus slightly improved (app key usage, explore/edit in tree menu) - Settings: scrollbars changed to trackbars - Fixed: Numpad [≈] and [╫] did not work as described - Fixed: In some cases opening the save-to-playlist dialog failed - Fixed: Even parts of file extensions were accepted on find/playlists - Fixed: MPEG 2.5 files had wrong calculated lengths - Fixed: Next folder or list wasn't auto-started correctly in some cases v1.41, 2003-11-02 - File finder implemented - Finaly a Shuffle button in the toolbar - File sorting improved - Sort by extension added - Command line option /rd did not work - Thanks Marco - Optional oldschool text button style - Some minor and cosmetic changes v1.40, 2003-10-12 - Now supporting input plugins which don't use wave out, e.g. MIDI - Minor keyboard shortcut modifications - After renaming a file it was removed from list, fixed - Minor changes v1.39, 2003-09-20 - Files were locked after seeking positions and in some other cases, fixed - Xing header reader worked only with mpeg 1 stereo, fixed - Copy file function added to list menu - Copy and Move remember destination - Some minor and internal changes v1.38, 2003-08-30 - Tab navigation in the settings window finally works now - Now reading VBR "Xing" headers on ACM/mpglib play (accurate times, VBR files with header open faster) - Faster moving tracks with Alt+Page Up/Down - Track titles of Cue sheets shown in window title - Accessing lists from Favorites did not work in 1.37 - No more useless times on Favorite folders/lists shown - Some other thingz v1.37, 2003-08-19 - Keyboard control for file list and folder tree improved, keys for volume and track position changed (see keyboard shortcut table) - Hotkey function slightly expanded - Settings button - "Go home" function (Ctrl+H), returns to folder of current track - Now reads unix-style playlists (with / instead of \) - Some other modifications v1.36, 2003-05-05 - Reduced disk access when playing with ACM/mpglib - Gapless slightly improved: play continues (but with a gap) when samplerate or stereo mode changes - Buttons for toggling tree and compact view added - Button style of 'Skip' and 'Next' changed - Compressor: fixed lookahead time is now 3.4ms (@ 44kHz) - Fixed: Cue sheets/Playlist did not start when opened via command line - Thanks Horst - Fixed: On command line open sometimes wrong folder was shown - Fixed: Some Playlist entries beginning with special/cyrillic chars were still not shown - Some keyboard shortcuts added/changed - Minor corrections v1.35, 2003-03-27 - Balance was full on left when program was started first time - Reverse balance option added and saving volume for seperate channels enabled (1by1 has no own balance controller, but if changed from other appz) - VU meter: enhanced bar for mono did not work - Next, Move and Skip now disabled if auto reload used (because they make no sense then) - Compressor: longer fixed lookahead time (2.3ms @ 44kHz) for less percussive distortions - Option: show created instead of modified date - Favorites: Add option now in file menu - Favorites: 'Add list' option (for folders, Cue sheets, playlists) v1.34, 2003-02-26 - Program recognizes volume changes from other appz - VU Meter improved (better synchronized) - Extended file list style: fullrow select and opt. gridlines - Option for auto reloading file list - File menu: Explorer option - File menu: New info dialog with ID3v1 tag - Playlists: save function creates relative paths - Playlists: Files with some special or cyrillic characters where not shown - Thanks Anton - Some more improvements v1.33, 2003-01-19 - Optional Systray icon with menu - Starting maximized or minimized via link possible - Option "Quit after current track" or /close from command line - Command line option /hide hides window and activates Systray icon - Enhancer: Adjustable "Threshold" replaced checkbox "Reduce distortions" (for old "checkbox value" set to -0.5 dB) - Enhancer: Combobox for presets - About: buttons to call manual and homepage
Frequently asked questions
How can I play WAV, OGG, or CD tracks?
Which plugin should I use to play format XYZ (e.g. RAM/RA, WMA...)?
Why doesn't 1by1 show ID3 Tag informations in the list?
I can't see my network Folders!
Can 1by1 support multiple languages?