Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Orchid Technology Inc.a Kelvin Video64a 1.0a myapp.exe Installation Disks Only work in Win3.1x or Win95. * C:\ORCHID! C:\ACAD! C:\ACAD\DRV! C:\3DS\DRV! C:\USTATION\DRV! Please enter the installation location. Please enter the Orchid DOS Utilities location. C:\ORCHIDR There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space and try again. General Installation complete. Drivers for the selected option have been installed in your system. Do you want to install other drivers? Select YES to return to Main Menu. Select NO to exit the installation. Please insert disk #1a app1.z! In order for the installation to take effect, " it is necessary to exit Windows and reboot the system. Press Yes to reboot now. it is necessary to exit Windows and restart the windows. Press Yes to restart now. In order for the installation to take effect, $ it is necessary to exit Windows and reboot the system. Press Yes to reboot now. (Do not leave any disk in the floppy drive.) SetupA bkgrnd.bmp This program requires VGA or better resolution.A system.ini driversa wavea nusoundw.drv! SETUP has detected a previously $ installed Windows audio driver! If you choose to continue, SETUP will replace the existing installation. Please close any NuSound application that is currently executing. To continue the installation, choose the Yes button. To exit the setup program, choose the No button. Copying files...( dos\*.*A dos\*.*A windows\utils\*.*A windows\*.*B windows\system\*.*B windows\*.iniA ustat5\*.*A adi42\*.*A adi42\*.*A adi42\*.*A General2 Please insert disk #b Errora- Error code %d : Target directory is read-onlyA Errora. Error code %d : Please insert the correct diskA Errora% Error code %d : Please insert Disk #1A FileSetPerform failedA General Updating file ... SYSTEM.INI system.inia system.kv kelvin video64a orchid-pathb boota 386grabbera kv64gr.3gr% boota display.drva kv64_08.drv% boot.descriptiona display.drva Kelvin Video64 card% 386Enha display% 386Enha displaya kv64vdd.386% kelvin video64a Resolutiona 640x480% kelvin video64a Mode_640x480a kelvin video64a Mode_800x600a kelvin video64a Mode_1024x768a kelvin video64a Mode_1152x864a kelvin video64a Mode_1280x1024a kelvin video64a Mode_1600x1200a kelvin video64a CursorColor1a 255,255,255 autoexec.bata autoexec.kvG DSPADI=b PATHB ACADDRV=b PATHB DSPADI=b PATHB RCPADI=b PATHB RDPADI=b PATHB temp.ini! temp.ini temp.inib temp.ini Creating Program Group and Icons.... Kelvin Video64< orchcpl.exe Kelvin Video 64 Configurationb _ISUSER.DLL OPTDIALOGb OPTDIALOG! OPTDIALOGA Windows95 OPTDIALOGB Internal dialog box errorA instaler.hlp winhelpb OPTDIALOG OPTDIALOG/ _EWQF _MRQb 3.00.061