-------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Nine 32-bit Microsoft Windows NT Display Driver for use with - Number Nine Imagine 128 Series 2 - Microsoft Windows NT Versions 3.5 and 3.51 Version 2.01.01 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1996 Number Nine Visual Technology Corp. All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING THE WINDOWS NT DRIVER SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS, COLORS, AND VERTICAL REFRESH RATES CHANGING THE VERTICAL REFRESH RATE RESOLVING ISSUES WITH YOUR NUMBER NINE BOARD SOFTWARE UPGRADES USING THE NUMBER NINE BULLETIN BOARD SERVICE (BBS) WORLD GROUP MANAGER (WGM) INTERNET (WWW) (FTP) COMPUSERVE -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING THE WINDOWS NT DRIVER -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are not installing from the Imagine 2 CD-ROM, you should make a backup of your diskette before installing. Example: diskcopy a: a: * NOTE * This driver will not install correctly from a Networked or Local hard drive. If the driver was downloaded from one of Number Nine's on-line services, place the files on a high- density 3.5" floppy diskette before installing. Steps for installing the Windows NT driver -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Start Windows NT in VGA Mode by selecting the appropriate choice from the NT Boot Menu. 2. Open the Main Group folder and double click or select the Control Panel. 3. Double Click or select the Display Icon. 4. Click or select the "Change Display Type" button. 5. Click or select the "Change" button. 6. Click or select the "Other" button. 7. You will be prompted to "Insert the manufacturer's installation disk into the drive selected below and choose OK" 8. If you are installing from the Imagine 2 CD-ROM, change the installation disk setting to the \WINNT\ subdirectory on the CD-ROM. (i.e. if your CD-ROM is drive D:, then you should type D:\WINNT\ ) If you are installing from a floppy disk, place the Number Nine Imagine 128 Series 2 Windows NT v3.5x Display Driver v2.01.01 Diskette in Drive A: and click or select the OK button. 9. "#9 Imagine 128 ver. 2" will be highlighted, click or select the Install button. 10. You will receive the message "This operation will change your system configuration. Do you want to proceed anyway?" - Click or select YES. 11. You will now be prompted to "Please enter the full path to the #9 Imagine 128 ver.2 display driver files". If you are installing from the Imagine 2 CD-ROM, make sure that the path is set to the \WINNT subdirectory on the CD-ROM. (i.e. if your CD-ROM is drive D:, then you should select D:\WINNT\ ) If the path is set correctly, then click or select the Continue button. If you are installing from a floppy disk, make sure the path reads A:\ and the installation diskette is in the "A" drive, then click or select the Continue button. 12. If you are upgrading from an earlier driver release, you must choose New when prompted to confirm replacement of the current driver. The default option for this message box is to keep the current driver, so be sure to click the New button to replace your older driver. 13. When installation is complete, you will receive the message "The drivers were successfully installed." Click or select the OK button. 14. A message will state that the driver could not be started dynamically. Please restart Windows NT to run with the new driver. Click or select the OK button. 15. A dialog box will appear with "Your display settings have changed. You will need to exit and restart Windows NT so that the new settings can take effect. " Remove the diskette from the "A" drive then click or select RESTART NOW. 16. After the system restarts, you will receive the following message: "Invalid Display Settings: A new graphics driver has been installed. The default display resolution has been temporarily used by the system. Use the Display Option in the Windows NT Control Panel to select your preferred display resolution." Click or select OK. 17. If the Display Settings page is not visible, open the Main folder and double click or select the Control Panel. 18. Double click or select the Display icon. 19. Select the desired resolution (desktop area), color depth (palette), and refresh rate (frequency). Choose "LIST MODES" to see a list of valid display modes or refer to the "Supported Resolutions" section of this document for a list of driver supported modes. * NOTE * BE SURE TO TEST THE SELECTED MODE BEFORE RESTARTING WINDOWS NT. IF YOUR MONITOR DOES NOT SUPPORT YOUR CURRENT SELECTION, THE SYSTEM WILL RETURN WITH A BLANK SCREEN AND MONITOR DAMAGE MAY RESULT. THE TEST WILL ONLY SET THE MODE FOR 5 SECONDS AND RETURN TO ALLOW YOU TO SELECT ANOTHER IF THE FIRST IS NOT SUPPORTED. IF THE TEST BITMAP DISPLAYS PROPERLY, THE MONITOR IS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE SELECTED RESOLUTION AND VERTICAL REFRESH RATE. * NOTE * If the system fails to restart or is unable to locate the file N9I128V2.SYS, try changing the PCI interrupt setting in the system CMOS BIOS. An IRQ setting will be assigned to the PCI slot that the IMAGINE 128 Series 2 card is in. In some cases, the interrupt assigned to the PCI slot may cause the driver to fail when loading. Each computer has a different CMOS setup and you will need to check the owner's manual for your system motherboard. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORTED RESOLUTIONS, COLORS, AND VERTICAL REFRESH RATES -------------------------------------------------------------------- Display Number of Vertical Resolutions Colors Refresh Rates 640x480 256 60,72,76,85 800x600 256 60,72,76,85 1024x768 256 60,72,76,85 1152x864 256 60,72,76,85 1280x1024 256 60,72,76,85 1600x1200 256 60,72,76,80 640x480 65,536 60,72,76,85 800x600 65,536 60,72,76,85 1024x768 65,536 60,72,76,85 1152x864 65,536 60,72,76,85 1280x1024 65,536 60,72,76,85 1600x1200 65,536 60,72,76,80 640x480 16,777,216 60,72,76,85 800x600 16,777,216 60,72,76,85 1024x768 16,777,216 60,72,76,85 1152x864 16,777,216 60,72,76,85 * NOTE * The 85hz Refresh Rate may exhibit problems on certain monitors due to bandwidth limitations at resolutions above 800 x 600. Monitor cabling and positioning, in relation to other devices, can impact performance. Please consult your monitor manual for information on maximum supported resolutions and refresh rates. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGING THE VERTICAL REFRESH RATE -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. From the Main Folder, double click or select Control Panel 2. Double click or select the Display Icon. 3. Click on or select the Refresh Frequency pull down box and select the refresh rate you desire. 4. *IMPORTANT* Click the Test button to test the display. * NOTE * BE SURE TO TEST THE SELECTED MODE BEFORE RESTARTING WINDOWS NT. IF YOUR MONITOR DOES NOT SUPPORT YOUR CURRENT SELECTION, THE SYSTEM WILL RETURN WITH A BLANK SCREEN AND MONITOR DAMAGE MAY RESULT. THE TEST WILL ONLY SET THE MODE FOR 5 SECONDS AND RETURN TO ALLOW YOU TO SELECT ANOTHER IF THE FIRST IS NOT SUPPORTED. IF THE TEST BITMAP DISPLAYS PROPERLY, THE MONITOR IS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE SELECTED RESOLUTION AND VERTICAL REFRESH RATE. 5. If the TEST COLOR BITMAP design displayed properly, click or select OK. 6. When prompted, click or select RESTART NOW to have the new rate take effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLVING ISSUES WITH YOUR NUMBER NINE BOARD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Number Nine Web Site at http://www.nine.com/ contains extensive technical information about your new Number Nine board, including FAQs (frequently asked questions). The Technical Support pages on the Web site can be found at http://www.nine.com/ These include our newest drivers for download from our FTP server, FAQs (Frequently asked questions with solutions), and Windows NT information. The FAQs will answer most of your technical support questions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE UPGRADES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though you may have just received your Number Nine software, newer versions may be available. Free upgrades are provided to all Number Nine customers via the Number Nine Bulletin Board System (BBS), Internet World Wide Web (WWW) and FTP, and CompuServe For more information on these services, see sections V through VIII of this document. To see if you have the latest version, compare the version number of your software (on the label of the provided diskette or in the text file 9NTVERS.TXT included with the driver) with the version number of the software on the BBS, WWW/FTP, or CompuServe. -------------------------------------------------------------------- USING THE NUMBER NINE BULLETIN BOARD SERVICE (BBS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- (USA) Dial: (617) 862-7502 Baud Rates: Up to 28,800 baud Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress ZIP files (EUROPEAN OFFICE) Dial: + 49 89 614 491 66 Baud Rates: Up to 14,400 baud Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress ZIP files The BBS has a separate file area for each Number Nine product. The latest driver updates can be found in each product's file area, and files of general interest (shareware, etc.) can be found in the General library. An E-mail system is available for technical questions about Number Nine products or about the BBS in general. A complete listing of available files can be downloaded by invoking the "Download List of Files" command from any file library menu. On the US BBS, RIP graphics are supported, and a RIP compatible terminal program is available in the General library (RIPTM154.ZIP). Many files are self-extracting, but some files will require the latest version of PKUNZIP to decompress. PKUNZIP is available in the General library (filename PKZ204G.EXE), and can also be found on most on-line services such as CompuServe and America On-line. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD GROUP MANAGER (WGM) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Nine's BBS now supports the Worldgroup Windows-based BBS client. Worldgroup Manager is a program which connects you to any on-line service running Worldgroup server software. You can download the client software from the General Library on the Number Nine BBS. -------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET (WWW) (FTP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Nine now has an FTP site. All current Number Nine drivers are available to anyone with access to the Internet. Our FTP Address is: ftp.nine.com. Number Nine also has a World Wide Web server at: http://www.nine.com. Information about Number Nine products as well as our FTP site can now be accessed at our World Wide Web site. -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUSERVE -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Nine also has a dedicated forum on CompuServe. This can be reached by typing GO NINE at the appropriate prompt. We are located in the Graphics C Vendor forum, under the name 'Number Nine'. Technical Support questions can be posted in this area and are addressed every day. -------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADEMARKS -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: Microsoft Windows NT The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies as follows: Trademark Owner --------- ----- Number Nine Number Nine Visual Technology Corp. #9 Number Nine Visual Technology Corp. -------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS DRIVER IS COPYRIGHTED BY NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY CORP. ALL APPROPRIATE RESTRICTIONS APPLY. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Revised 04/12/96 DF (End of Document)