Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSERI LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo User32 ExitWindowsEx ExitWindows Microteka ScanWizarda Scanwz32.ds, Microteka ScanWizarda Scanwiz.ds ScanWizard Microtek ScanWizard for Windows 95, Microtek ScanWizard, ScanWizard for Windows NT.BMP$ Failed to display 'Select Program Folder' dialog box.A Microtek ScanWizard for Windows 95, Microtek ScanWizard, ScanWizard for Windows Common INF\$ Decompressing program files into b# *.infB@ Microtek\$ Document\ Microtek\$ Decompressing program files into b# Document\ Decompressing program files into b# twain_32.dllBA twain.dllB@ twunk*.exeB@ twain.dllB@ SYSTEM32 System32\$ Decompressing program files into b# Wnaspi32.dllB@ SYSTEM32\DRIVERS Decompressing program files into b Aspi32.sysB@ SYSTEM32\DRIVERS Sparrow.sysB@ SYSTEM32 System32\$ Decompressing program files into b# Ctl3d32.dllB@ Decompressing program files into b Uninst.exeB@ System\ System\$ Decompressing program files into b# Ctl3d32.dllA Decompressing program files into b Uninst.exeB@ Decompressing program files into b Uninst16.exeB@ Microtek\% Decompressing program files into b$ Microtek\% DSPIMG.dllA FILEIO.dllA JPEGDLL.dllA MICOMP.dllA MIICTL3D.dllA MST.dllA MPT.dllA Twain\% Scanwiz\$ Decompressing program files into b$ Twain\% Scanwiz\ DSPIMG.dllA FILEIO.dllA MICOMP.dllA Mspnri.sysA Aspiif.exeA Mscsi.sysA c12*.bmpA twlogo.tifA Scanwiz.dsA *.dllA 8BF16.Za *.8bfA scantest.exeA Twain\% Scanwiz\$ Decompressing program files into b$ Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ Mscsi.sysA Twain_32\% Scanwiz\$ Decompressing program files into b$ Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ c12*.bmpA Mspnri.sysA Aspiif.exeA m*.dllA 8BF32.Za *.8bfA scan32.exeA mscandc.iniA Twlogo.tifA Twain\% Scanwiz\$ Decompressing program files into b$ Twain\% Scanwiz\ mscandc.iniA Twlogo.tifA System$ Decompressing program files into b# System Twctl3d.dllA Decompressing program files into b mscandc.iniA Microtek\$ Decompressing program files into b# Document\ Microtek\% Document\ Err-code.docA readme.txtA Trouble.txtA aspi.txtA Winnt.txtA Omni.txtA Card.txtA win95.docA Microtek\% Decompressing program files into b$ Microtek\% Microtek\% Dcr\$ Decompressing program files into b$ Microtek\% Twain\% Scanwiz\$ Decompressing program files into b$ Twain\% Scanwiz\ Twain_32\% Scanwiz\$ Decompressing program files into b$ Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ Scanwz32.dsA Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ Twain\% Scanwiz\ ScanwizardV22A Microtek ScanWizard for Windows 95, Microtek ScanWizard, ScanWizard Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again.a Error Number:$ Microtek\% Document\ psut*.dlla ScanWizard Installer had tried to update psut*.dll and psut95*.dll in your Photoshop 3.0.4/LE directory, but some problems occurred. If you previously have already installed PhotoShop 3.0.4, check to see if these four DLL files in the Photoshop 3.0.4 directory are up to date. Update the files from C:MicrotekDocument., or, alternatively, update the PhotoShop to version 3.0.5 or later. twain*.8baa twain*.8ba! ScanWizard Installer had tried to update TWAIN8B.8BF and TWAIN_32B.8BF in your Photoshop 3.0.4/LE directory, but some problems occurred. If you previously have already installed PhotoShop 3.0.4 , check to see if these two files in Photoshop 3.0.4 Plugin directory are up to date. Update the files from C:MicrotekDocument, or, alternatively, update the PhotoShop to version 3.0.5 or later. Microtek\% Document\ psut*.dlla ScanWizard Installer had tried to update psut*.dll and psut95*.dll in your Photoshop 3.0.4/LE directory, but some problems occurred. If you previously have already installed PhotoShop 3.0.4, check to see if these four DLL files in the Photoshop 3.0.4 directory are up to date. Update the files from C:MicrotekDocument., or, alternatively, update the PhotoShop to version 3.0.5 or later. twain*.8baa twain*.8ba! ScanWizard Installer had tried to update TWAIN8B.8BF and TWAIN_32B.8BF in your Photoshop 3.0.4/LE directory, but some problems occurred. If you previously have already installed PhotoShop 3.0.4 , check to see if these two files in Photoshop 3.0.4 Plugin directory are up to date. Update the files from C:MicrotekDocument, or, alternatively, update the PhotoShop to version 3.0.5 or later. Microtek\% qp.exe Quick Panelb Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ Twain\% Scanwiz\ Scanwiz.hlp ScanWizard Helpb Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ scan32.exe Twain\% Scanwiz\ scantest.exe Scanner Testb Microtek\% Document\ readme.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b# ReadMeb$ Trouble.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b# Trouble Shootingb$ Omni.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b# OmniPageb$ Card.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b# Older Cardb$ aspi.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b# ASPI Cardb$ win95.doc$ WRITE.EXE b# Windows 95 Install Guideb$ Microtek\% Document\ Winnt.txt$ NOTEPAD.EXE b# For Windows NTb$ UnInstall Microtek ScanWizardb ScanWizard for Windows! Microtek\% qp.exe: ScanWizard for Windowsa Quick Panelb# Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ Scanwiz.hlp: ScanWizard for Windowsa ScanWizard Helpb# Twain\% Scanwiz\ scantest.exe: ScanWizard for Windowsa Scanner Testb# Microtek\% Document\ readme.txt: ScanWizard for Windowsa ReadMeb# Microtek\% Document\ Trouble.txt: ScanWizard for Windowsa Trouble Shootingb# Microtek\% Document\ Omni.txt: ScanWizard for Windowsa OmniPageb# Microtek\% Document\ Card.txt: ScanWizard for Windowsa Older Cardb# Microtek\% Document\ aspi.txt: ScanWizard for Windowsa ASPI Cardb# Microtek\% Document\ win95.doc: ScanWizard for Windowsa Windows 95 Install Guideb# The file AUTOEXEC.BAT have been updated. The former file is now renamed as AUTOEXEC.MTK The files AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS have been updated. The former files are now renamed as CONFIG.MTK and AUTOEXEC.MTK respectively. The file CONFIG.SYS have been updated. The former file is now renamed as CONFIG.MTK ScanWizard installation was successful. Please follow the instructions in your Installation Guide for information on how to install your scanner and interface card. Setup has finished configuring your system. You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. Twain\% Scanwiz\% Data\ *.cjb Full.*% Twain_32\% Scanwiz\% Data\ *.cjb Full.*% Twain\% Scanwiz\% Twain\% Microtek\ Some files could not be installed owing to they are currently in use by another program in the system. Restart your system to continue. 1024.bmp Sw_img.bmp;255,255,255 EXPLORER.EXE! This program requires VGA or better display adaptor for displaying resolution.A There is not enough space available on the disk. Please free up some space. Twain_32\% Scanwiz\% mscandc.ini Scannera Interfaceb! Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Patha WindowsPathb Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Twain_32\% Scanwiz\% Patha ProgramPathb$ Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Microtek\% Patha MicrotekPathb$ Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Twain\% Scanwiz\% mscandc.ini Scannera Interfaceb! Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Patha WindowsPathb Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Twain\% Scanwiz\ Patha ProgramPathb Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Microtek\% Patha MicrotekPathb Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A mscandc.ini Scannera Interfaceb! Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Patha WindowsPathb Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Twain\% Scanwiz\ Patha ProgramPathb Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A Microtek\% Patha MicrotekPathb Cannot open MSCANDC.INI. Unable to modify MSCANDC.INI file.A system.ini% 386Enha EMMExcludea D400-D7FF! Cannot open System.ini. Unable to modify System.ini file. Please add the following statement into [386Enh] section. EMMExclude=D400-D7FF HIMEM.SYSR HIMEM.SYS DEVICEb Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. HIMEM.SYS DEVICEb Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. EMM386.EXER QEMM386.SYSR EMM386.EXE$ X=D400-D7FF DEVICEb HIMEM.SYSA Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. X=D400-D7FF! X=D400-D7FF QEMM386.SYSA Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. RAM$ X=D400-D7FF QEMM386.SYSA Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. EMM386.EXE$ X=D400-D7FF DEVICEb HIMEM.SYSA Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. X=D400-D7FF! X=D400-D7FF EMM386.EXEA Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. MSPNRI.SYSR [COMMON]a Twain_32\% Scanwiz\% MSPNRI.SYS Twain\% Scanwiz\% MSPNRI.SYS DEVICEb Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. MSCSI.SYSR [COMMON]a Twain_32\$ Scanwiz\$ MSCSI.SYS$ /I:$ Twain\$ Scanwiz\$ MSCSI.SYS$ /I:$ DEVICEb Unable to add the statement 'DEVICE=b to the specified $ config.sys$ file. Config.mtk! Photos30.ini& photoshopa PhotoShopDirectoryR Photos30.ini& photoshopa PlugInDirectoryR Phot30le.ini& photoshopa PhotoShopDirectoryR Phot30le.ini& photoshopa PlugInDirectoryR Twain_32\% Scanwiz\% aspiif.exe Twain\% Scanwiz\% aspiif.exe aspiif.exeR aspiif.exeR Twain_32\% Scanwiz PATHR PATHR Twain\% Scanwiz PATHR PATHR Twain\% Scanwiz PATHR PATHR Twain_32\% Scanwiz$ %PATH%;b$ Twain\% Scanwiz$ PATHb PATHA ScanWizard Installer had tried to update your system search path, but some problems occurred. So, please add the following statement in to AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 'PATH %PATH%;[WINDOWS HOME DEVICE. e.g: C:]:[WINDOWS HOME PATH]Twain_32Scanwiz'* Twain_32\% Scanwiz$ %PATH%;b$ PATHb PATHA ScanWizard Installer had tried to update your system search path, but some problems occurred. So, please add the following statement in to AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 'PATH %PATH%;[WINDOWS HOME DEVICE. e.g: C:]:[WINDOWS HOME PATH]Twain_32Scanwiz'* Twain\% Scanwiz$ %PATH%;b$ PATHb PATHA ScanWizard Installer had tried to update your system search path, but some problems occurred. So, please add the following statement in to AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 'PATH %PATH%;[WINDOWS HOME DEVICE. e.g: C:]:[WINDOWS HOME PATH]Twain_32Scanwiz'* Twain\% Scanwiz\% aspiif.exe Twain_32\% Scanwiz\% aspiif.exe ScanWizard Installer had tried to update your system search path, but some problems occurred. So, please add the following statement in to AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 'PATH %PATH%;[WINDOWS HOME DEVICE. e.g: C:]:[WINDOWS HOME PATH]Twain_32Scanwiz'* Autoexec.mtk! Twain\% Scanwiz\% SCANWZ32.DS Twain_32\% Scanwiz\% SCANWZ32.DS win.ini% twaina Default Sourceb Cannot open Win.ini. Unable to modify Win.ini file. Please change the default source path to [WINDOWS HOME DIRECTORY] wain_32scanwiz in [Twain] section by yourself.* \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help Failed to create help path key.A Twain_32\% Scanwiz\ SCANWIZ.HLPA Failed to set help path.A \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASPI32 Failed to setup ASPI32 Drivers.A ErrorControlA Failed to setup 'ErrorControl' in registry database.A StartA Failed to setup 'Start' in registry database.A TypeA Failed to setup 'Type' in registry database.A henry32.dll SelectDlgb# SELECT_DIALOGA henry16.dll SelectDlgb# SELECT_DIALOGA Defining Dialog ErrorA SelectDlg! SelectDlgAe SelectDlgAe SelectDlgAi SelectDlgAg SelectDlgAf SelectDlgAh henry32.dll ExitSetupb# EXIT_DIALOGA henry16.dll ExitSetupb# EXIT_DIALOGA ExitSetup! ExitSetup ExitSetup, SelectDlg SelectDlg/ Error in Select Interface card dialogA SelectDlg SelectDlg, henry32.dll RebootDlgb# REBOOT_DIALOGA henry16.dll RebootDlgb# REBOOT_DIALOGA Defining Dialog ErrorA RebootDlg! RebootDlgAp RebootDlgA RebootDlgAo Display reboot dialog errorA RebootDlg RebootDlg" MIISETUPa ScanWizard installation was successful. To install interface card, please refer to the WINNT.TXT file in the % Microtek\$ Document\$ directory. edit( SETUPSTR862R# Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb$ _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _MRQB! 3.00.071