****************************************************************************** 3DWINDRV.EXE 7/19/95 ****************************************************************************** These are the current updated drivers for the Pro 3D and Premium 3D Sound cards. Copy the file MVSRSWIN.EXE to your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM sub-directory and execute it there. It will uncompress and create the following files: MVIFM DRV 40,160 02-28-95 11:26a MVI401 DRV 13,680 02-28-95 11:31a VMVID 386 6,733 01-31-95 9:25a MIDIMAP CFG 38,386 02-24-95 8:30a MVIWAVE DRV 21,376 02-28-95 11:29a MVI508MX DRV 84,816 02-28-95 3:01p MMMIXER DLL 26,640 02-22-95 2:46p MSMIXMGR DLL 11,488 03-23-94 5:20p FINDMVI DLL 6,976 01-25-95 10:08a MCICDA DRV 13,824 03-10-92 3:10a MVIFM PAT 7,188 02-14-94 1:57p ****************************************************************************** Next, edit your SYSTEM.INI. Make sure that your SYSTEM.INI contains all the lines listed below. [boot] sound.drv=mmsound.drv drivers=mmsystem.dll msmixmgr.dll MMMIXER.DLL [386Enh] device=VMVID.386 * dmabuffersize=064 [mci] ** WaveAudio=mciwave.drv Sequencer=mciseq.drv CDAudio=mcicda.drv [drivers] timer=timer.drv midimapper=midimap.drv wave=MVIWAVE.DRV mixer=MVI508MX.DRV midi=MVIFM.DRV midi1=MVI401.DRV [MVIWAVE.DRV] port=220 int=7 dmachannel=1 dmachannel2=5 [MVI401.DRV] int=2 port=330 Notes: * If your sound card installed VPA3DD.386 then you should edit the old line which refers to VPA3DD.386 and change it to VMVID.386. Also move the VPA3DD.386 file out of your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. ** Remove the line Mixer=mcimixer.drv. This is replaced by the MSMIXMGR.DLL which is loaded above by the drivers= line in the [Boot] section. Reboot the PC after making all of the above changes. ******************************************************************************