this manual lists all the available switches under the -ota( ) section of BeSweet v1.5.
for more info, read the BeSweet FAQ !

pay attention : switches are case-sensitive.

Gain Switches

apply an absolute gain level on decoded stream, but before encoding ("pre-gain")

example : "-g 6db" will apply 6db of gain

example : "-g max" will apply the highest gain level that still does not distort the original signal

example : "-g peak" will apply the gain level written in the wave's peak chunk

* if inputfile is not wave, or it doesn't have a peak chunk, "-g peak" will act like "-g max"
apply relative normlization on decoded stream, but before encoding ("pre-gain normalization")

example : "-norm 0.95" will apply 95% of the highest gain level that still does not distort the original signal

note that "-g max" & "-norm xx" are implementing two-pass of processing : one for analyzing the input file and determing the maxgain value, and the second for the actual encoding
apply relative normlization on the encoded file ("post-gain normalization")

example : "-G 0.97" will apply 97% of the highest gain level that still does not distort the original signal

note that unlike "-norm", the processes of finding maxgain and stream encoding are done in the same single pass

* if output file is not mp2/mp3/ogg, "-G xx" will act like "-norm xx"
-hybridgain apply absolute pre-gain and relative post-gain normalization ("hybridgain")

if inputfile is a stereo ac3, disable dialog normlization and pregain

if inputfile is six channels ac3, enable dialog normilzation and apply pregain in accordance to dynamic range compression level :

no compression : 7db. light compression : 8db. normal compression : 10db. heavy compression : 14db. inverse compression : 5db.

if outputfile is mp3, set lame's scale switch to 1.

if outputfile is mp2/mp3/ogg, apply postgain of 97% on the processed file

* if output file is not mp2/mp3/ogg, "-hybridgain" will act like "-g max"

Rate Switches
force a sample-rate value

this bypass BeSweet's engine for determing the sample-rate of input files, and sets is manually

usefull sometime when processing an headerless pcm stream
a frame rate convertor

example : "-r 23976 25000" will convert a 23.976fps stream (NTSC) to a 25.000fps stream (PAL)

Delay Switches

-d apply delay correction to file

example : "-d 10" will add 10miliseconds of silence to the beginning of the encoded file

example : "-d -20' will skip the first 20milliseconds of the original file
-e append silence to file

example : "-e 8" will add 8miliseconds of silence to the end of encoded file
this sets the minimum resolution of samples for delay assertions

used in AacMachine to add delay of size of full aac-frames

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