Here you will find a brief list of items added in each consecutive build. For more information please refer to the updated documentation. [] 8 August 2004 ------- * fixed bug with WMP9 locking x2's process after exit * registry tweaks for various 2x-friendly titlebar settings (see registry.txt) [] 12 July 2004 ------- * GUI translated to various languages (external resource DLLs) (actually just German for the moment, a few others under way) * console2 now properly handles unix (LF) text output * tree/quick viewer can be tiled vertically: see nTreeQVTileVertical in registry.txt * keyboard shortcuts for toolbar buttons in Find and Organize dialogs * flyby text showing the path for back/forward navigation and quick-bookmark * View | Visual Filter | Rule based (hyperfiltering for visibility) "Same filter" forces the active pane filter to the inactive pane * Actions | Import clipboard for scrap windows: insert items from text paths in clipboard; one FULL path per line, no quotes or comma separators Useful for importing from other apps like PIMs * sorted out UTF-8 bugs in editor2 [] 21 June 2004 ------- * faster reading for large FAT32 folders * Tools | Options | Window: new options for setting the background color of the inactive browser panel and checkbox for track (hover) select view mode * status bar panel to show free disk space; refresh rate controlled via "msFreeSpaceUpdateInterval"; set to 0 to disable the feature (see registry.txt) * quickview szAudioExtList/szVideoExtList moved to registry key * full manual now available for downloading [] 10 June 2004: Initial release