
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does Tracks Eraser Pro do ?

  2. What operating system and browsers does Tracks Eraser  support?

  3. What does Tracks Eraser do when I click Test Now ?

  4. Differences between Tracks Eraser and Tracks Eraser Pro.

  5. How to order Tracks Eraser ? How long will I receive the CD if I order a CD ?

  6. What is the Application Plug-in ?

  7. How to make a Plug-in?

  8. What is the Custom Item and How do I add a Custom Item?

  9. How do I uninstall Tracks Eraser ?

  10. What is Boss Key ?

  11. What is Stealth Mode ?

  12. What is Secure Erasing ?

  13. Why do the index.dat files still exist after I erase them ?

  14. Why is the Media player  playlist still there after I erase it ?

  15. What is Homepage Protection ?

  16. How do I upgrade my Tracks Eraser to Tracks Eraser Pro ?

  17. My home page is locked by a website and doesn't let me to change, How do I change it back?

  18. Every time I start my Windows, it goes to a  "XXX" site, How do I stop this ?

  19. Can Tracks Eraser erase the Search history when I click the Search button on Internet Explorer?

  20. I get a "Cant Find MSVBVM50.DLL " error when I start Tracks Eraser, How do I avoid this?

  21. How do I remove ?

  22. Why do the some browser history still there after erasing ?

  23. Why the location bar of Netscape are still there after erasing? I use Netscape 7

  24. I mistakenly remove some files using Tracks Eraser ? How can I recover them ?

If you have any questions that not answered in this FAQ, please feel free to contact us at

Click here to online FAQ

1.What does Tracks Eraser do ?

Tracks Eraser is designed to protect you by cleaning up all the unwanted history data on your computer. With only one click, Tracks Eraser allows you to erase the cache, cookies, history, typed URLs, autocomplete memory, index.dat of your browser, and Window's temp folder, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents, etc. 

With Tracks Eraser Pro's  free plugins, you can easily erase the tracks of up to 50 applications, such as playlist of Realplayer, Mediaplayer, QuickTime, recent files of Office, Acrobat, Winzip, etc.

Tracks Eraser Pro can also let you customize what file(s) and registry entry(s) to be erased.  With Tracks Eraser's Securely Erasing feature, you can erase the files completely can not be recovered by others.

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2.What Operating System And Browsers Does Tracks Eraser Support?

The supported Operating System include

  •  Windows 95

  •  Windows 98

  •  Windows ME

  •  Windows 2000

  •  Windows XP

The supported Browsers type include

  • Internet Explorer 

  • Netscape 

  • AOL

  • MSN

  • Opera

For other browsers, Tracks Eraser can support them using plugins, you can download the plugins from our website.

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3.What does Tracks Eraser do when I click Test Now ?

Test Now offers a safe way to check the items you are going to erase , after you have selected the erasing items, you can firstly click the Test Now to have a test, check the Detail List to see what will be erased. This just tests all the items you selected and do not really erase them.

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4.What are the major differences between Tracks Eraser and Tracks Eraser Pro ?

Tracks Eraser Pro keeps all the great features of Tracks Eraser but adds more control and features


Tracks Eraser

Tracks Eraser Pro

Browse'sr History Erase



Window's History Erase 



Test Mode



Applications Supported

Supports  most popular applications including Office, MediaPlayer, Realplayer, QuickTimes, Acrobat, and Winzip

Supports all the applications that Tracks Eraesr supports plus uses   plug-ins  to support up to   nearly - unlimited number of applications

Plug-in  Support



Custom-Item Support



Boss Key



Stealth Mode



Secure Erasing






Log Options



Homepage Protection 



Clean Free Space No Yes
Outlook Express support No Yes

Browsers  History Data Erasing



Windows History Data Erasing



File Shredder No Yes

Price (Single User License)



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5.   How do I order Tracks Eraser ?  How long will I receive the CD if I order a CD ?

Thank you very much for your interest in purchasing our software, your support help us to continue enhancing our software, and provide you even more neat software features in the future. We use REGNOW, a service of Digital River (NASTAQ: DRIV ), which is highly-respected registration company to process your order. Their system is both fast and secure. We accept US Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar and payment by Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Eurocard, MasterMoney ), Wire Transfer, Fax Order and Check/Money Order. 

Click To Purchase Tracks Eraser Pro ($29.95) 

Purchase includes lifetime upgrades and technical support via email

You can also order by phone

(877) 353-7297 (toll free, USA, Canada)
(425) 392-2294 (regular, international)

And fax numbers for faxed orders:

(888) 353-7276 (toll free, USA, Canada)
(425) 392-0223 (regular, international)

As soon as we receives your order, we will confirm by return e-mail. You will receive a second e-mail with payment verification and a Registration Code (license code). Enter the Registration Code into the program to complete the Registration process. If you do not receive a Registration Code, please contact us at  

If you ordered a CD, please allow 3 weeks for delivery (US addresses) and 4 weeks for delivery (non-US addresses), although actual shipping times are usually much less.

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6.   What is an Application Plug-in ?

There are so many applications/programs that keep tracks of recent activities such as playlists of Mediaplayer, Realplayer, recent files of Office, Acrobat, Winzip, and much much more. Others can also see what files you have accessed, what media you have played and what pictures you have viewed. 

Tracks Eraser Pro's free Application Plug-ins give you the flexibility to choose which plug-in to install according to the applications/programs you have installed. This makes Tracks Eraser Pro have the ability to support up to nearly unlimited applications/programs. 

Click here to download plug-ins

We have over 100 plug-ins available Now and we are trying to make more plug-ins every week. If you have any suggestions , please contact us at

Also, we provide a free Tracks Eraser Plugin Maker to make the plugin yourself, if you are an advanced user and  know much about the program you want to erase. 

If you make a plugin and want to share it with others, please email your plug-in to us
We will list it on our website let others to download.

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7.   How do I make a Plug-in?

With Plugin Maker which comes with Tracks Eraser Pro, you can easily add and edit the application plugin  yourself.
After you install Plugin Maker,  you can run Plugin Maker by click

Start -> Programs ->Tracks Eraser -> Plugin Maker

The history data of a program may be stored in the registry or in a file or under a folder, Plugin Maker lets you to erase all of them.

  • Open Open the plugin file to edit

  • New Add a new plugin

  • Title  The  name of the plugin ( e.g. Winzip 8.0 )

  • Provider The person or the company who created the plugin,( e.g. Jeff, Acesoft)

  • Registry Entry(s) The Registry Items that will be erased

  • File(s) And Folder Items The file and folder that will be erased

  • Test  Click the Test button , Plugin Maker will test the items above and show the results in the Test List

  • Rmove Removed the item you selected

  • Save Clicking this will save the plugin file

  • Save As Clicking this will save the plugin to another path or with another name.

1) Add a Registry Item
Click the Add button for Registry Item

  • Registry Key The Registry Key that will be erased

  • Launch Registry Editor Use the system's Registry Editor to select the registry key to be erased, once you use the Registry Editor's Copy Key Name to copy the key name or just press Ctrl+C to copy the key name, the key will automatically appear on the Registry Key text box.

  • Erase Key Erase the key you selected above

  • Erase Key List Erase the keys under the selected key which contains the the string in the Key(s) Contain text box. if you want to erase the key with similar strings (e.g. file1,file2,file3), you can just fill in the Key(s) Contain text box with "file", it will erase all the keys which contain "file".  Below is an example for Realplayer, 

below is how to fill it in the Registry Item form

  • Erase Value Under the key Erase the Value under the key selected, if you want to erase the values with similar string (e.g. filemenu1,filemenu2,filemenu3) , just fill the Value(s) Contain with "filemenu", it will erase all the values with "filemenu", Below is an example for winzip

You can Click Test button to test it.

  • Erase Value Erases the key value you choose in the ValueName text box under the selected key

After you finish the selection of Registry Key , you can just click Add to add it to the registry item list.

2) Add File & Folder Items

  • Title  The  name of the  Custom Item, (e.g. Mytest)

  • Description Description of this Custom Item (e.g. erase my registry items)

  • Include SubFolder Check this will include the subfolder under the selected folder

  • Select Folder & Select File If what you selected is a folder, click Select Folder , and click Select File if you select a file. you can erase the files using wild card, the default is "*.*".  (for example, you want to erase mp3 files under c:\temp folder, just fill in the wild card text box with "*.mp3", and then click Select Folder

  • Erase The File If what you selected is a file, you can select from Erase The File and Update The File, Erase The File means deleting the file directly, Update The File means you can update the file (text file only),  some applications use a text/ini file to store their recent files, they look like this 

    You can simply fill the Erase The Line Contains The String text box with "Recentfile", Tracks Eraser Pro will remove these lines with "Recentfile" in the selected file and keep other lines.

  • Remove From List Remove the selected item

  • Test Results Shows the test results

  • Test clicking this will test the items selected

  • Save Saves the Custom Item

  • Add Adds  to the list that will be erased and exit this form, the item you selected will show on the main screen of Plugin Maker.

Most of the Plugins we provided are made using Plugin Maker, you can open the plugins that come with Tracks Eraser Pro to learn more.

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8.   What is the Custom Item ? How to add a Custom Item?

Custom Item allows you to erase files, folder or registry entryies that you want to erase. If you have files, folders or registry entries need to be erased periodically , it is a good  to add a Custom Item to erase them. With the Securely Erasing enable, you can erase the files completely, and others can not recover or undelete them. 

To add a Custom Item, click the Eraser Setting->Custom Items->Add, there are 2 types of Custom Item: Registry Items and File & Folder Items.

1) Add Registry Item  Clicks Add Registry Item  

  • Title  The  name of the  Custom Item,( e.g. Myitem)

  • Description Description of this Custom Item

  • Registry Key The Registry Items that will be erased

  • Launch Registry Editor Uses the system's Registry Editor to select the registry key to be erased, once you use the Registry Editor's Copy Key Name to copy the key or just press Ctrl+C to copy the key name, the key will automatically appear on the Registry Key text box.

  • Erase Key Erases the key you selected above

  • Erase Value Under the key Erase the Value under the selected key , Below is an example (Winzip Recent Files)

  • Erase Value Erases the key value you fill in the ValueName text box under the selected key

2)Add File And Folder Item


  • Title  The  name of the  Custom Item, (e.g. Mytest)

  • Description Description of this Custom Item (e.g. erase my registry items)

  • Add Folder Adds the folder to the list that will be erased, 

  • Include SubFolder Check this will include the subfolder under the selected folder

  • Add Files Adds files to the list that will be erased, you can erase the files using wild card, default is "*.*".  (for example, you want to erase mp3 files under c:\temp folder, just fill in the wild card text box with "*.mp3"

  • Remove From List Removes the selected item

  • Test Results Shows the test results

  • Test clicking this will test the items selected

  • Save Saves the item

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9.   How do I uninstall Tracks Eraser ?

There are two ways to uninstall Tracks Eraser Pro. Choose either of these methods.

    1) Click Start ->Programs->Tracks Eraser Pro->Uninstall Tracks Eraser Pro Or
    2) Click Start ->Settings->Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs->Tracks Eraser Pro.

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10.  What is Boss Key ?

The Boss Key lets you to hide/show the browser windows immediately by pressing the Hotkey ALT+SPACE. Ití»s very useful when you are surfing some website, and someone, (your boss or everyone else you doní»t want to see your screen), walks in. You just press the ALT and SPACE keys and the browser windows will all disappear. When they leave you can press ALT+SPACE again, and the screens will reappear.

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11. What is Stealth Mode ?

Stealth Mode allows Tracks Eraser Pro to operate in an invisible mode. This will hide the icon so it will no longer be visible in the system tray. In Stealth Mode, the program can run Auto-erasing quietly in the background. You can press the Hot-keys ALT+A to show or hide
Tracks Eraser Pro.

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12. What is Secure Erasing ?

When you delete a file in Windows, it usually places a Deleted Flag on this file. This delete flag is not removed. This allows others, with the right tools, to recover the name as well as the contents of the file. Securely Erasing uses a more secure way to erase a file. First Tracks Eraser Pro overwrites the file a set number of times with random data. Then it renames the file with a meaningless filename, (e.g. 0001.dat). Finally, Tracks Eraser Pro deletes the file. Therefore, others can not recover the file name or contents.

Note: The more times you set to overwrite the file, the more time it will take to erase the tracks. Usually, the default of 3 times is enough. Tracks Eraser Pro implements the Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DOD 5220.22-M, giving you confidence that once deleted with Tracks Eraser Pro, your file data is gone forever and can not be recovered

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13. Why the index.dat file still exist after I erase them ?

Index.dat stores information about what websites you have visited and what cookies have been saved, the index.dat files are always locked by the system when Windows is running and can not be deleted. Tracks Eraser overwrites these index.dat files with blank characters, others can see nothing useful form these files after erasing, so you do not have to worry about it.

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14. Why the Windows Media Player  playlist are still there after I choose to erase them ?

You might have been running Windows Media Player while you were erasing tracks from it, because Mediaplayer will save the playlist again when it shutdowns.

Important Note: It is strongly recommended that you shutdown all the programs that you want to erase tracks from, because some tracks can not be erased when these program are running .

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15. What is Homepage Protection?

Some websites may try to modify your IE homepage setting to their URL. If this happens you can not change it back. Tracks Eraser Pro features a Homepage Protection engine that continuousl  monitors for any changes to your homepage while you are surfing. If it detects attempts to alter your homepage, it will ask you to confirm, allowing you to approve or disapprove any changes. It can also modify the homepage and window title of Internet Explorer

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16. How do I upgrade Tracks Eraser to Tracks Eraser Pro?

1) Please provide your name and e-mail address when ordering at  

2) Click here to order online

17. My home page is locked by a website and doesn't let me to change, how do I change it ?

1) Click Options on Tracks Eraser Pro's main screen
2) Click Homepage
3) Change your home page
4) Click Apply

Later, if you want to change your homepage change, follow the same routine.

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18. When I start Windows it goes to a   "xxxx" site. How do I stop this ?

1) Click Options on Tracks Eraser Pro's main screen
2) Click Homepage
3) Change your home page
4) Click Apply

This should cure this kind of problem. If it doesn't, please let us know at and we will work on a solution.

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19. Can Tracks Eraser erase the Search history when I click the Search button on Internet Explorer?

 Yes, you can do that by checking the Autocomplete Memory item on Settings screen.

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20.I get a "Cant find MSVBVM50.DLL " error when I start Tracks Eraser.           How do I avoid this?

This happens to Win95 users, as Win 95 doesn't have a MSVBVM50.DLL.

You can download it from
After downloading , click on this file to install it, then you can run Tracks Eraser.

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21.How do I remove is is mainly a pay-per-click search portal where other web sites pay for each click-through to their site via lop. they created a program which is labeled as an mp3 search program or other programs whose installer turns the user's web browser's search function to installer also makes dramatic changes to Internet Explorer, Mozilla Navigator, and most likely Netscape Navigator. The default search engine pages, toolbar settings, and start page are changed. The lop installer adds scores of internet shortcuts in Internet Explorer's Favorites folder and in Mozilla's Bookmarks.htm file,  which  also takes control of the browser to make it redirect to if there is some error loading a page. 

Tracks Eraser Pro has a plug-in for removing from your computer (see here)
you can get rid of permanently by checking the item on
the list of plugins on Eraser Settings screen

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22. Why do the some browser history still there after erasing ?

You should close all the browser windows before erasing, because the files can not be erased when they are in use. For MSN, AOL and Netscape 7, even you close all the windows of them, they may not close completely. please check the system tray (lower right area of the screen) to see if there is an icon of them, if you can find, click on it to close it.

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23. Why the location bar of Netscape is still there after erasing? I use Netscape 7

Please close all the Netscape windows before erasing, for Netscape 7, there maybe an icon of Netscape 7 still on the system tray (lower right of the screen), this is Netscape Quick Lunch, you need to right click on it and close it before erasing.

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24.I mistakenly removed some files using Tracks Eraser ? How can I recover them ?

If you did not enable the Secure Erasing option of Tracks Eraser Pro,
you can use this tool to recover your files, click here for detail

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