
Operation Manual

Version 1.01

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User License Agreement

This User License Agreement is a legal agreement between you and Camel Audio for the product accompanying this document, which includes software and all associated media ("SOFTWARE"). By installing, copying or using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you may not use the SOFTWARE. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold.

This SOFTWARE is freeware, however it may not be distributed without the express permission of Camel Audio. The SOFTWARE may however be freely downloaded from

You may not transfer, modify, rent, lease resell, distribute, network or transmit the SOFTWARE. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE. You are not permitted to copy the SOFTWARE.

All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE and any copies of the SOFTWARE are owned by Camel Audio. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the SOFTWARE or documentation is subject to civil and criminal penalties.

The SOFTWARE is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. The entire risk arising out of the use of the SOFTWARE remains with the user. Camel Audio disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with regard to the SOFTWARE. In no event shall Camel Audio be liable for any consequential or other damages whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE.

"Camel Audio" and "CamelPhatFree" are trademarks of Camel Audio.
"VST" is a trademark of Steinberg Soft - und Hardware GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© 2002 Camel Audio. All rights reserved.



CamelPhatFree is a combined compressor and distortion affect that is great for fattening up a kick drum or producing a great guitar sound.

CamelPhatFree has been designed with ease of use in mind. The rest of this document explains in detail the features and functionality of the effects unit. We hope you enjoy...


  •  High-quality, 64bit, analogue-modelling signal-processing algorithms;
  •  Tube modeled distortion algorithm;
  •  Warm-sounding compressor;
  •  Easy-to-use interface.

System Requirements

CamelPhatFree is available for both Windows PC and Apple Mac. It is fully compatible with any application that can host VST plugins. Notable hosts include applications such as Steinberg's Cubase and Nuendo, Emagic's Logic Audio range, the Fruity Loops production system and Apple's Final Cut Pro 3 digital video editing suite.

CamelPhatFree can also be used in DirectX hosts such as Cakewalk's Sonar and the full range of Sonic Foundry products via the use of DirectX adapters such as those available from FXpansion or Spinaudio.



Installing CamelPhatFree is a quick and easy process.

Simply unzip the ZIP file (Windows) or SIT file (Mac) and extract the file to your VST plugins folder, which can usually be found in your VST directory (e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase VST\VST plugins'). Afterwards, upon starting your plugin host as normal, CamelPhatFree will be selectable from the available plugins.

If you do not have an appropriate decompression program, freeware applications are available at the WinZip (for .zip files ) and Stuffit (for .sit files) websites.


How the effects unit works

Using the Effects

CamelPhatFree is composed of two effects modules. The following section describes each of these effects and how the parameters affect the processes that they perform.

Master Mix

This controls the amount of the original input signal that is to be passed through CamelPhatFree. When it is set to zero, none of the input signal is processed.

Distortion Unit

This fader applies a warmer and fuzzy distortion that is designed to emulate the analogue distortion imparted by older musical equipment. At lower levels it is great for making an element sound louder and cut through a mix better. At higher levels it imparts a more extreme warmth and colouration to the sound.

The Compressor

This simple interface dial is the front-end for a surprisingly intricate and responsive 'soft limiting' compression algorithm. The compressor is designed to emulate the analogue valve compressors of the past with great accuracy, and has been praised for its subtlety, transparency and warmth.

Compression works by decreasing the signal's dynamic range (the difference between the highest-volume and lowest-volume parts of an audio input) to deliver more perceived 'loudness' at the same relative volume. It is best used for 'balancing out' a signal with excessive variation in volume, so that everything sounds consistently 'present' in the mix. Compression can also add 'punch' to a flat-sounding recording. Ironically, it can also 'flatten' a perfectly good signal if used excessively because compression is in essence a tradeoff between dynamic range and 'loudness'.

The further the dial is turned up, the more compression is applied and the more the signal will get discernibly 'louder' whilst outputting the same volume in terms of peak level. When more compression is applied, however, the compression itself can become audible. This in turn can be beneficial if that is the effect being sought (much of modern dance music is based around the sound of compression) but can also detract from the natural balance and dynamics of the signal if overused. It is good to experiment a little to get a good feel for how the compressor works as this will enable you to get the best results.


Other Controls

The 'Random Camel'

CamelPhatFree allows you to conjure up a randomly determined set of effects parameters. Simply click your mouse on the camel outline in the logo box and watch those settings move.


Support and User Comments

If you have any questions about our products please visit our website at where you can find updates and further information. You may also contact us at and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

We welcome any comments, suggestions and opinions on our products. Please contact us at