Kaspersky Anti-Virus® Personal 5.0

ã Kaspersky Lab

Tel., fax: +7 (095) 797-87-00 (Moscow office)

Please pay attention, that the following Kaspersky Lab telephone numbers are no longer active: 495-03-00, 948-36-08, 948-83-50, 948-43-31, 948-63-33, 948-56-50.

Version: 5.0.142   Release date: 18.06.2004


1.      Now OnDemand Scanner operates in SafeMode.

2.       The application can be installed/uninstalled in SafeMode.

3.      The name of a detected virus is displayed in MailChecker reports.

4.      Detailed reports are now generated for the MailChecker component.

5.       The application installed on laptops provides excellent support for power saving mode.

6.       The application supports PAE mode (compatibility with Windows XP SP2).

7.       The license key used with the previous version of the application can now be used with the new version if the application has been upgraded.

Known problems:

1.       When OnDemand Scanner is scanning messages containing RAR archives, an application error occurs on the Exchange server.

2.      The application is incompatible with the WinMagic application.

3.      When scanning extremely large files, the application "freezes" if someone tries to unload it from memory.

4.       OAS can occur when suspicious or warning objects are placed manually to the quarantine. The disinfect dialog box for the quarantined object is displayed.

5.       There are some non-localized messages (only in English) in the MailChecker module.

6.       The application does not prompt for password when scanning protected archives placed to the quarantine by the user.

7.       The MailChecker component works incorrectly with the Magic Mail Monitor application if the mail is collected at startup: message headers cannot be downloaded from the mail server (improper use of the POP3 protocol by the Magic Mail Monitor application).



Version: 5.0.121   Release date: April 20, 2004

Program's capabilities compared with the previous version:

8.       A simple intuitive graphical interface with indication of the general system protection and anti-virus database status has been introduced.

9.       A capability to disinfect infected objects in CAB, RAR, ZIP and ARJ archives has been added.

10.   A capability has been added to disinfect infected objects in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express e-mail databases.

11.   Virus scan and disinfection of e-mail messages transferred via SMTP and POP3 protocols has been implemented.

12.   Quarantine functionality has been enhanced: it is possible now to automatically quarantine objects, disinfect quarantined objects, restore objects from quarantine to their original location and send objects to Kaspersky Labs for analysis. For managing quarantined objects an enhanced graphical interface is used.

13.   Anti-virus database update module has been significantly upgraded: now users can choose from several types of anti-virus database; during the update process from the Kaspersky Labs servers, internet connection is monitored; if the connection is lost while the update process is in progress, then, after the connection is restored, the update process will resume with the file that was being updated when the connection was lost.

14.   During the installation process, the user will now be notified about the competitor's products installed on his or her computer and advised on their compatibility with Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

15.   Anti-virus protection settings have been simplified due to the introduction of three composite levels: "Maximum Protection", "Recommended" and "Maximum Speed".

16.   Fast access has been implemented for the following tasks: scanning for infected objects, anti-virus database updating and viewing reports on the results of the program's operation.

17.   Reports management functionality has been enhanced: now users can send reports to Kaspersky Labs, disable displaying information about clean objects, etc.

18.   The performance of the program has been improved compared to Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 4.0.x due to the introduction of advanced technologies iChecker™ and iStreams™.

19.   The amount of RAM consumed by Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal reduced by more than half due to the introduction of a new anti-virus kernel.

Known Problems:

8.       Sometimes the scan process may not be correctly reflected by the corresponding indicator.

9.       Sometimes problems may be encountered with computers running Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 installed , related to detection of viruses on connected network drives, if Kaspersky Anti-Virus starts before the networks drives have been connected using DFS.

10.   When possibly infected objects are quarantined manually, real-time anti-virus protection opens a dialog box with a suggestion to disinfect this object (or objects).

11.   When scanning e-mail messages, messages not translated into English may be displayed (English version only).

12.   When scanning password-protected archives quarantined by the user, a prompt for the password is not displayed.

13.   Problems while working with Magic Mail Monitor: if the setting specify receiving e-mail messages by Magic Mail Monitor via POP3 protocol, the headers of the messages will not be downloaded from the mail server when Magic Mail Monitor is run for the first time.

14.   If a disk is formatted using NTFS file system, then, when an object is quarantined, only the master file will actually be moved to the quarantine folder, while NTFS-streams will not be quarantined.