How to disable the protection of mail, scripts, or other objects
If, for any reason, you do not want to scan mail, scripts or other objects for viruses, you should disable protection of such objects.You may choose objects that you do not want to be scanned while they are being opened, executed or closed, and objects that should not be scanned during an on-demand scan.
- Follow the Configure Real-Time Protection link in the left section of the Settings tab or the modify settings in the status information area of the Protection tab.
- In the Real-Time Protection settings window that will open, follow the Troubleshooting link to access your computer's real-time protection settings.
- Check objects that you do not wish to scan for viruses.
- In order to exclude a particular object from the scan scope, check the
Enable the list of excluded objects box and click the Change... button. In the window that will open, specify the exclusions and click the OK button. From that moment the objects you have excluded will not be scanned.
- Follow the Configure On-Demand Scan link in the left section of the Settings tab or the modify settings in the status information area of the Protection tab.
- In the On-Demand Scan settings window that will open, follow the Troubleshooting link to access your computer's on-demand scan settings in a similar way to the procedure described for real-time protection.
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