Downloading updates from the Internet

Kaspersky Lab update the anti-virus database residing on the update servers every three hours.
Kaspersky Lab's update servers are HTTP and FTP servers where the most recent version of the anti-virus database is kept.
To ensure that your anti-virus database is always updated from Kaspersky Lab's update servers, you must apply the settings described in the instructions below:
  1. Follow the Configure Updater link in the left part of the Settings tab.
  2. When the Updater settings dialog box opens, select one of the following types of updating from the Update type drop-down list:
    • from Internet, standard databases - anti-virus database that allows you to detect all currently existing malware and disinfect objects and data infected with such malware.
    • from Internet, extended databases - standard database and additional database that allows you to detect programs giving intruders remote access to your data.

The standard anti-virus database by itself ensures efficient anti-virus protection of your computer. Using the extended database may affect the speed of the application operation.
  1. If you use a Dial-up Internet connection and you do not want Kaspersky Anti-Virus to interrupt the update process during temporarily disconnections from the Internet, check the box Wait for Dial-up network connection.
This setting is used only for automatic scheduled anti-virus database update!
  1. Press ОК.
The Updater Settings dialog box

Your Internet connection settings will be copied from the Internet Explorer settings. To view and/or modify these settings, select StartαSettingsαControl PanelαInternet OptionsαConnections.

See also:

Downloading updates from a local folder

Updating Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal application modules

Updater settings. Scheduled updates

On-demand updates. Updates downloading process

Kaspersky Lab

