Settings tab

Using the Settings tab you can evaluate and customize both standard and advanced settings for Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal smooth performance.

The right section of the tab displays the current settings of real-time anti-virus protection, on-demand scan, and of the automatic updating of the anti-virus database and program modules along with detailed comments and tips from Kaspersky experts on how to customize some settings. For example, if you updated your anti-virus database manually in the past, the program will suggest that you set up a schedule for automatic updates.

The three statuses of anti-virus protection are indicated by icons as described below:

Critical status of anti-virus protection. This status means that the current settings cannot ensure a proper anti-virus protection level for your computer.

Anti-virus protection level does not match the recommended settings. This status indicates that the current user-defined settings do not match the settings recommended by Kaspersky Lab experts.

The anti-virus protection level is set to Recommended. This status indicates that your settings fully comply with the settings recommended by Kaspersky Lab experts.

The status information in the right part of the tab is displayed in the following order: the real-time protection status will be displayed first, followed by the on-demand scan status, and, then, by the status of the anti-virus database validity.

Using links in the left part of the tab, you can setup and modify various parameters of the program operation, including real-time protection, on-demand scan and updating.

Kaspersky Lab

