Statistics, Report and Settings tabs

Statistics, Report and Settings tabs contain full information about the task that has been performed or is being performed at the moment.

The information provided in the above tabs may differ depending on the task type. Below is a detailed discussion of the information contained in these tabs.

For real-time protection and on-demand scan tasks:

Shortcut menu - Report tab

When you are viewing the report in the monitoring mode (i.e. during the scan in the Report tab), by default you will always see the last record of the report. In order to disable this mode, open the shortcut menu by right-clicking the window and uncheck the Automatically show last record of the report option or simply select a record in the report.

The following information, related to the anti-virus database and program modules update, is displayed in the tabs:

You can select reports you wish to view either in the Reports window or from the detailed report window using the Next > and the < Previous buttons.

Kaspersky Lab

