Readme for avi2mpg1 ver 1.4 This program is distributed under the GNU copyright, please see the accompanying file COPYING for details. Please note that only the changes to the original source code are copyrighted under GNU, except for the the multiplexer portions, which are also under the GNU copyright. The copyrights for the other two source programs, the video and audio encoders are detailed in their respective source, as well as the original distributions. avi2mpg1 is a simple command line mpeg-1 encoder that runs at the command prompt under Windows '95 or NT. Copy the file avi2mpg1.exe to any directory in your path. C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND or C:\WINNT should work for most people. Invoke the program with the following syntax: usage: avi2mpg1 [-options] inputfile.avi [outputfile.mpg] where: options can be: -b byterate Where byterate is total system stream rate in KBytes/s (default 150) Valid range = 10 to 500. -s bitrate Where bitrate is total system stream rate in K bits/s (default 1200) Valid range = 80 to 4000. YOU CAN ONLY SPECIFY -b OR -s, NOT BOTH! -a bitrate Where bitrate is audio bitrate in K bits/s (default 128) Valid values for layer I: 32,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288,320,352, 384,416,448 Valid values for layer II: 32,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,160,192,224,256, 320,384 -l layer Where layer specifies which audio layer to use, valid values 1 or 2. (default 2) -j specifies use joint stereo mode IF input file contains stereo audio. Has no effect if audio portion of .avi is mono. (default non-joint stereo) -v specifies fixed datarates as defined for video cd streams. If this option is used, it overides any -a, -b or -s rates specified as well as -l, -n, -c and -y options. -p filename.par specifies video encoding parameter file, (OPTIONAL) allows control over additional parameters. See Param.txt. Note that the parameter file as well as the matrix files must be in the current directory unless you specify full path names. -e specifies encode file even if some frames in avi are bad, ie: use previous good video frame or 0 data for audio if file is corrupt. At least FIRST frame must be valid! -n generate video stream only, ignore audio if there is an audio stream. You must use this option to encode an avi file that does not have an audio track. Result is a .m1v file. (Even if you specify .mpg) -y vbv_buffer size in 16K bit multiples, default = 20 -m motion search magnitude, range 0 - 4, default 0, higher values MAY result in better encoding (depending on video), but will take SIGNIFICANTLY longer to encode. Try it on a short sample first! -c hs vs set output video size to hs horizontal and vs vertical. Larger input video is cropped to fit while smaller video is padded out to size. -f frame_rate_code force mpeg file frame rate regardless of input file frame rate. Implies -n (video only). Frame rates codes -> 1 = 23.976 FPS 2 = 24 FPS 3 = 25 FPS 4 = 29.97 FPS 5 = 30 FPS inputfile.avi A windows avi file constrained to the following parameters: Horizontal size: max 720 pixels Vertical size: max 480 pixels Note: if dimensions are not a multiple of 16, then frame data will be padded out to a multiple of 16 with resulting black bands around picture. Frame rate : 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, or 30 FPS 10, 12, and 15 FPS are upsampled. Colour depth: 8, 16, 24, or 32 bit. (palletized, thousands, millions, millions+) codec used in file must be installed in windows. Audio sample rate: 11.025, 22.05, and 44.1KHz Audio sample size: 8 or 16 bit Audio channels: 1 or 2 Uncompressed PCM audio only. outputfile.mpg Optional, if not specified, inputfilename with .mpg extension will be created. The optional template.par file contains the same values that the encoder has hard coded as default values for all other video encoding parameters. Use this file as your starting point for experimenting with other values, such as motion search vectors. See param.txt. *** WARNING: VIDEO EXCEEDS CPB STANDARD!, if you get this warning during video encoding, your video exceeds the Constrained Parameter Bitstream standard, and may not be playable on many mpeg-1 players, either software or hardware. Although many players can play mpeg-1 with higher than CPB bitrates, few are capable of higher resolutions than SIF (352x288). Example: avi2mpg1 test This example will encode an .avi file "test.avi" located in the current directory to test.mpg, at 150KB/sec total data rate with audio at 128Kb/sec. You will need to make sure that the current directory has enough room for the temporary files the encoder will produce, in other words, approximately twice the space needed for the resulting .mpg file. Credits: This program is basically the combination of the video encoder by the MPEG Software Simulation Group, available from: "" the ISO audio encoder, available from: "", and Christoph Moar's systems stream multiplexer, available from: "". into a single program to process windows .avi files. My goal was to create a simple, one step program consisting of a single executable file with no required .dll's,bit tables, or configuration files, making it extremely easy to use. My own use of MPEG-1 consists primarily of compressing 320x240x30FPS files captured with a 'miro DC20 MJPEG capture board, to 150KB/sec with 128Kb audio .mpg streams for burning to CD. As such, the default values for the program are obvious. I have used the encoder extensively to encode avi files of the above nature with no problems. You may encounter some problems using avi files that differ from the above. QUALITY: General Recommendations: The quality of your original source is extremely important! VHS video tape is generally not sufficient. If you use live capture from a video camera, make sure you have LOTS of light. Any noise in the video will seriously degrade the encoded mpeg quality. This is true for all mpeg encoders! PLEASE NOTE: although this encoder accepts avi files with less than 24 FPS, 24 bit video and less than 44.1KHz 16 bit audio, you aren't getting the full value of MPEG compression in these cases. Particularily if the video was highly compressed by another windows codec. Internally, the encoder simply upsamples the avi file to 24 bit video at 24 or higher FPS, and the audio is upsampled to 44.1Khz 16 bit. If your capturing the video yourself, try doing it at the maximum rate/resolution your equipment is capable of. The general rule for maximum quality is keep your source file as uncompressed as possible throughout all capturing and editing phases. Let the final compressor (MPEG in this case) do all the compression. BUGS: Using the -v parameter has not been extensively tested, it does generate a valid, playable file, but it has only been tested with Adaptec's EZ CD Creator 3.0 to generate a Video CD, and while some software mpeg players can play the resulting Video CD, I have found at least 1 which does not. This may be because my CD recorder can not record disk-at-once. You should test Video CD stream generation in your environment before any extensive use for Video CD generation. Some combinations of parameters and certain video streams will result in vbv_buffer overflows or underflows. If this occurs, you will get a count of the number of times it has occured at the completion of the video stream encoding. An mpeg file will still be generated, and is still playable by most players (I haven't found any that can't). You can try adjusting the vbv_buffer_size using the -y parameter. Changes: Ver 1.1 - Added support for 8-bit audio. - added support for 11.025 and 22.050 Khz sample rates - modified vbv_delay overflow reporting Ver 1.2 - improved low-pass filtering for 11025 & 22050 sample rate audio sources. - added support for 8 bit palletized video - corrected chromatic subsampling - added option to specify system stream data rate in bits per second. - added option to specify video encoding parameter file and inter and intra quantization matrix files (examples provided)(optional). Ver 1.2a- incorrect template.par included with 1.2, the correct one has been added to this release. Ver 1.3 - added option (-e) to allow encoding of avi files with corrupt frames, (from some versions of HyperCam). Missing frames are replicated from last good frame, audio data is blanked. - added option to generate video only stream (-n) - added support for 10, 12, and 15 FPS video by upsampling to 30, 24, 30 FPS respectively. - made options case insensitive - handles odd pixel size video, pads out to even number. - corrected error in RGB->YUV conversion that caused pure white areas in non-real (ie: computer animations) to appear black in mpg file. - intermediate file names (.m1v, .mp2) are based on output filename (if any) instead of input filename. - opened max size limitation up to 704 x 480 - increased max bit-rate to 4000kbit/sec, or 500Kbyte/sec - decreased min bit-rate tp 80kbit/sec, or 10KByte/sec - added -y option to adjust vbv_buffer_size from default of 20 - appended .par extension to user supplied parameter file if none provided - added -m option to allow easy selection of higher magnitude motion search range. - eliminated estimated time remaining during video encode, it wasn't very accurate, now reports % complete, and at end of video encode, average time to encode one frame. Ver 1.4 - several minor corrections to VideoCD file generation, the -v option generates a stream which has been tested with Adaptec's EZ CD Creator 3.0 Video CD Creator. - added -c cropping option to specify horizontal and vertical size of output file. Input files larger than specified have excess pixels trimmed off, while input files smaller than specified are padded out to specified size with blank pixels. The -v parameter implies -c 352 240 (or 288), hence even input video which does not correspond to VideoCD size can still be encoded. - when blank pixels are added to video to bring to multiple of 16, or -c option is used, blank pixels are now added evenly to both sides and top and bottom instead of just the right side and bottom. - added force frame rate option (-f), can be used to encode video of arbitary frame rates (say, 6 FPS) to a standard frame rate. Video can then be played back at normal speed with player which supports user specified playback rates. Using this option implies -n (video only) since there is no way to syncronise the resulting video with audio. - opened max size limitation to 720 x 480. For the latest revision check out http://www/ TODO: Future releases of the encoder (as time permits) may have some or all of the following enhancements: Improve extremely low bitrate video generation. Generally clean up code, it was rather quickly hacked together, could be more elegant. Ability to specify multiple input source avi's for a single output mpg, neccessary to deal with Windows avi file size limitation of 1GB. Compiling: The source code was compiled using MicroSoft Visual C++ 5.0, to recompile, create a new project of the type "Win32 Console Appplication". Add all the .c and .h files to the project, and under the Project Settings menu, under the Link tab, add vfw32.lib to the object/library modules list.