Title Tool Shortcuts
Macintosh Shortcut
Windows Shortcut
Control + double-click a title icon in bin
Ctrl + double-click a title icon in bin
Opens the title in the Title tool for editing
Option + click on Title Tool
Alt + click on Title Tool
Switches between pointer and Text tool
Shift + Command + H
Ctrl + Shift + H
Opens Soften Shadow dialog box
Shift + Arrow keys
Shift + Arrow keys
Moves shadows
Shift + Option + Up or Down Arrow
Shift + Alt + Up or Down Arrow
Softens or hardens shadows
Shift + Command + L
Ctrl + Shift + L
Brings selected object to front
Shift + Command + K
Ctrl + Shift + K
Sends selected object to back
Shift + Command + Z
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Aligns object to bottom of frame
Shift + Command + C
Ctrl + Shift + C
Centers text or object
Shift + Command + B
Ctrl + Shift + B
Turns bold on and off for selected text
Shift + Command + I
Ctrl + Shift + I
Turns italics on and off for selected text
Shift + Command + F
Ctrl + Shift + F
Opens Font Replacement dialog box
Shift + Command + P
Ctrl + Shift + P
Turns Preview mode (anti-aliasing) on and off
See Also
Main Topics: Creating Titles and Graphic Objects

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to