Using Decompose When
Decompose allows you to create new, shorter master clips based only on the material you have edited and included in your sequence, which saves system disk space. You can specify the handle length of the new master clips. Decompose breaks any links to the original source clips, and only the sequence and its new master clips are linked to the newly captured media files.
Decompose creates new master clips in the bin for each clip in the sequence prior to recapturing. Using Decompose gives you greater control during the recapturing process. You can use this procedure to sort clips in the bin, modify the clips, and then recapture selected clips in the sequence.
For film projects, clips created with Decompose retain all the information from the original master clips, including Pullin column information, key numbers, ink numbers, or any other information formerly entered in the bin.
To use Decompose:
1. | |
Activate the bin that stores the sequence and select the sequence.
2. | |
Select Bin > Decompose.
3. | |
To preserve clips that already have existing media files, select the
"Offline media only" option. Do not select this option if you plan to
decompose and recapture the entire sequence.
4. | |
Select other options for the types of clips to decompose: captured,
imported, or all clips in a group edit.
5. | |
Click the Handle Length text box and type the number of additional
frames you want to capture at the heads and tails of the new master
clips. This provides enough overlap for trimming and adding transition
If you attempt to trim or add effects with no handles, you will receive
an error message notifying you that there is insufficient media.
6. | |
(Option) Select the "Extend handles beyond master clip edges" option
to allow the handles to extend before the beginning and after the end of
the original master clip. When you batch capture, deselecting this
option prevents capturing across a discontinuous timecode error.
For example, if the starting timecode for a master clip is 1:00:10:00
and the resulting master clip after a decompose with handles causes the
new master clip to begin at 1:00:09:00, batch capturing will fail if there
are any timecode discontinuities between 1:00:09:00 and 1:00:10:00.
The new master clips appear in the bin. You can now sort and select
these clips like all other objects in the bin.