Glossary: I
IEEE Standard 1394
The international hardware and software standard for transporting data at 100, 200, or 300 megabits per second (Mb/s).
Image Independence
A registered trademark of Avid Technology, Inc.
See also HIIP.
I/O device
Input/output equipment used to send information or data signals to and from an editing computer.
The setting of the computer edit program to proper operating conditions at the start of the editing session.
ink numbers
The frame identification numbers used to conform a film work print. Film Composer cut lists and change lists reference ink numbers.
IN point
The starting point of an edit. Also called a mark IN.
See also mark IN/OUT, OUT point.
insert edit
An electronic edit in which the control track is not replaced during the editing process. The new segment is inserted in program material already recorded on the videotape.
See also overwrite.
1.  The computer software or hardware used to connect two functions or devices.
2.  The program access level at which a user makes selections and navigates a given system.
See also GUI.
A unit of measurement of the video waveform scale for the measurement of video levels, originally established by the Institute of Radio Engineers. The scale is divided into 140 IRE units, 100 above the blanking reference line and 40 below it.
1.  Isolation reel. In multicamera production, the source reel for the separate (isolated) recording of a single camera, alongside simultaneous recordings of the other cameras and a switched line feed.
2.  International Organization for Standardization.
ITU-R 601
The standard for standard-definition component digital video, published by the International Telecommunication Union as ITU-R BT.601-5 (formerly CCIR-601). This standard defines digital component video as it is derived from NTSC and PAL. It forms the basis for HDTV formats as well.

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