| Description
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Gain | The Gain controls set the input level, in tenths of a decibel. The input level should be set so that the plug-in can adequately handle amplitude peaks in the selection. Dragging the slider to the right increases gain, and dragging the slider to the left decreases gain. | |||
Coarse and Fine | Adjust the pitch by dragging either of the two faders, or by typing values in the Coarse and Fine text boxes. The Coarse slider transposes in semitones (half steps); the Fine slider transposes in cents (hundredths of a semitone). | |||
Time Correction | Clicking the Time Correction check box allows you to enable or disable time correction.
If the Time Correction check box is deselected, it has the effect of "permanently varispeeding" your audio file. Like working with tape, the file's duration is compressed or extended according to the settings of the Coarse and Fine controls. Playback speed increases proportionally as the sound file is transposed up in pitch and decreases proportionally as it is transposed down in pitch, just like a tape recorder that is varispeeding. Consider that altering a file in this way has little detrimental effect on the fidelity of audio files, whereas time correction can affect fidelity in a pronounced way. | |||
Ratio | The Ratio slider lets you set the amount of transposition (pitch change). Dragging the slider to the right raises the pitch of the processed file, and dragging the slider to the left decreases its pitch. Press and hold the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key (Macintosh) when you drag the slider to fine-adjust. For a description of the Crossfade, Min Pitch, and Accuracy sliders, see Time Compression Expansion Parameters. | |||
Reference Pitch | The Reference Pitch feature generates a sine wave tone that you can adjust to match a selected portion of audio material, and then use as an audible reference when pitch-shifting other audio material in your session. To use the Reference Pitch feature: 1. Select the audio material you want to use as a pitch reference. Click the Preview button to begin playback of the selected audio. 2. Click the Reference Pitch button to activate the reference sine wave tone. 3. Adjust the note and detune settings to match the reference tone to the pitch of the audio playback. Adjust the level setting to change the relative volume of the reference tone. It might also be helpful to switch the Reference Pitch on and off to compare pitch. 4. Select the audio material to be pitch shifted. Adjust the Coarse and Fine controls to match the pitch of the audio playback to the reference pitch. |