| Description
Input | Allows you to control the input gain of the EQ to prevent the possibility of clipping. |
Phase Invert | Allows you to invert the phase (polarity) of the input signal in order to change frequency response between "multi-miked" sources (a common technique for "miking" a guitar amplifier), or to correct for miswired microphone cables. |
Type | Allows you to select an EQ type (High-Pass, Low-Shelf, Peak, High-Shelf or Low-Pass). |
Gain | Allows you to control the amount that the selected frequencies are cut or boosted (for Peak, High-Shelf, and Low-Shelf only). |
Freq | Allows you to designate the center of the frequency region to be cut or boosted. |
Q | (Peak only) Allows you to set the bandwidth of the Peak filter. Higher values represent narrower bandwidths. Lower values represent wider bandwidths. |
Bypass | Bypasses the EQ. The 4-Band EQ II has individual Bypass buttons for each band (black buttons with EQ curve icons). |
High-Pass | Attenuates all frequencies below the selected cutoff frequency setting at a rate of 12 dB per octave while allowing all others above the frequency to pass through. For this reason, no gain control is available for this filter. High-pass filters can be useful for removing low-frequency rumble or for thinning out the lower end of a sound for special effects, such as a "telephone simulation" effect. |
Low-Shelf | Produces a lift or a cut below the specified frequency. |
Peak | Boosts or cuts only those frequencies around the selected center frequency. The Q button sets the bandwidth of the Peak filter, which determines the width of the filter's overall slope — from a broad "bell" shape to a narrow notch. Broad curves tend to be most useful for musical applications. Narrow curves are useful for special-purpose processing such as hum removal. Higher values represent narrower bandwidths. Lower values represent wider bandwidths. |
High-Shelf | Produces a lift or a cut at the specified frequency and above it. |
Low-Pass | Attenuates all frequencies above the selected cutoff frequency setting at a rate of 12 dB per octave while allowing all others below the frequency to pass through. For this reason, no gain control is available for this filter. |