Gate Parameters
The following table lists the Gate plug-in parameters.
Gate Parameters 
Phase Invert
Allows you to invert the phase (polarity) of the input signal to change frequency response between "multi-miked" sources or to correct for miswired microphone cables.
Gating (Reduction Meter)
Indicates the amount of reduction in dB.
Allows you to set the threshold level. Signals that exceed this level pass through. Signals that are below it are gated, depending on the settings of the Attack, Hold, Decay, and Range parameters.
Allows you to set the attack time of the Gate.
Allows you to specify a duration (in seconds or milliseconds) that the Gate stays open after the initial attack cycle. This parameter can be used as a one-time function to keep the Gate open for longer periods of time with a single crossing of the threshold. It can also be used to prevent gate chatter, which might occur if varying input levels near the threshold cause the Gate to open and close very rapidly.
Allows you to control how long it takes for the Gate to close after the signal falls below the threshold level.
Sets the depth of the Gate when closed. This parameter has a maximum depth of –80 dB. Setting the Gate to higher range levels allows more of the gated audio that falls below the threshold to peek through the gate at all times. This is useful for problems such as drum leakage, where you might want to suppress the overall drum kit sound by a specific amount while emphasizing the gated instrument such as a snare.
Displays the response curve set by the Gate's Threshold and Range settings. As you adjust these parameters, refer to the graph to see how the shape of this curve changes. It allows you to see the effect of your settings.
External Key
This parameter has no effect on the AudioSuite plug-ins.
Key Listen
This parameter has no effect on the AudioSuite plug-ins.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to