Focusrite d3
Focusrite d3 is a high-quality, dynamics processor plug-in that contains a compressor and a limiter. The d3 compressor reduces the dynamic range of audio signals that exceed a user-selectable threshold by a specific amount. The d3 does this by reducing output levels when input levels increase above the threshold.
The d3 limiter operates as a fast-attack compressor with a high compression ratio. Like the compressor, the limiter is activated when the signal exceeds a user-selectable threshold. The limiter then compresses any signal above the selected threshold to the lower threshold limit that you have set.
There are two versions of the plug-in:
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ff d3 Mono, which operates on channels (tracks) separately.
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ff d3 Stereo, which operates on a composite of the two channels of the
stereo signal. It prevents image shift when signal levels differ between
the two channels.