Video Display Settings
Video Display Settings Options 
Pre-filled Frames: Seconds of Video to Pre-Fill:
n seconds
Type the number of seconds by which to delay playback. By accepting a delay at the beginning of playback, you increase the likelihood that the system will play the material successfully. The maximum delay is 10 seconds.
Open GL Hardware: Preview DVE effects with:
Video boards installed on your system
Select the Open GL board for your video display. Selecting hardware gives you better performance.

Software Open GL
Select if you do not have an Open GL video board
Enable Confidence View

Enable confidence view if you want to view incoming or outgoing media in the Composer monitor as you are capturing media or creating a digital cut.
Maximum Real Time Streams
Indicates minimum and maximum
Set the Stream Limit if you are moving from a more capable project to a less capable project. In Avid Unity environments, decrease the number if performance is being degraded by too much demand on the Avid Unity connection.
See Also
Real-Time Preview of Video Effects
Playing Video to the Client Monitor

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to