Safe Color Settings
Safe Color Settings Options 
Sets safe color values for the composite video signal.
Sets safe color values based on brightness.
RGB Gamut
Sets safe color values based on color range.
Units buttons
Define the units of measurement for the three types of safe color values.
The Composite Units pop-up menu allows you to select either IRE or mVolts (millivolts).
The Luminance and RGB Gamut pop-up menus allow you to select from the following options:
8 Bit — Measures the adjustment on a scale from 0 to 255.
  The RGB value for a color in the Color Correction tool will not be identical to the RGB value for the same color in a graphics application such as Adobe Photoshop. For example, the 8-bit RGB values for reference black and reference white are 16 and 235 respectively.
Percent — Measures the adjustment on a percentage scale from 0 to 100.
IREMeasures the adjustment in IRE units.
mVoltsMeasures the adjustment in millivolts.
Actions buttons
Define how the system implements the safe color settings. The top menu controls both the Composite and the Luminance limit types; the bottom menu controls the RGB Gamut limit type. Each Actions menu allows you to select from the following options:
Ignore — The system does not limit based on these settings. This is the default setting.
Warn — The system provides warnings when these limits are exceeded. For more information on safe color warnings, see "Understanding Safe Color Warnings" in the Help.
See Also
Setting Safe Color Limits

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to