Interface Settings: General Tab
Interface Settings Options (General Tab) 
Show Labels in Tool Palette
When you select this option, the system displays text labels with the icons on the Tool palette. This is the default option.
To tear off the Tool palette, click anywhere on the palette, press and hold the mouse button, and drag the palette to the location you want.
Show ToolTips
When you select this option, the system displays labels for buttons and icons when you position the mouse pointer over them. This is the default option.
You can also turn ToolTips on and off from the Help menu.
Delay n seconds before showing
If you select Show ToolTips, you can delay the label display by entering a value in this text box. A delay allows you to move the mouse pointer across the interface without displaying the labels on items between the starting point and the destination of the mouse pointer.
Windows Standard Alt Key Behavior (Windows Only)
This option switches between standard Windows Alt key behavior and Avid system Alt key behavior. When you select this option, pressing and holding the Alt key together with another key works as a keyboard shortcut for certain Windows actions (for example, opening menus).
When you deselect this option, pressing and releasing the Alt key and then pressing another key works as the Windows keyboard shortcut, while pressing and holding the Alt key together with another key works as a keyboard shortcut for certain Avid functions. This is the default option.
For more information on Windows shortcuts, see the Windows documentation.
For more information on Avid shortcuts, see Main Topics: Shortcuts.
Automatic Num Lock Activation (Windows Only)
When you select this option, the Avid application automatically sets the numeric keypad in numeric mode the next time you start the application. If you deselect this option, the Num Lock key on the keyboard controls the mode of the numeric keypad.
With either selection, you can use the Num Lock key to change the mode of the numeric keypad.
Automatically Launch Last Project at Startup
Opens your last project when the application starts.
See Also
Interface Settings

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to