Capture Settings: Batch Tab
Capture Settings Options (Batch Tab) 
Optimize for disk space
When this option is selected, the system captures only the exact amount of material in the master clips plus any additional handles. The tape pauses and prerolls independently for each master clip that is batch captured.
Optimize for batch speed
When this option is selected, the system speeds up batch capturing by allowing the deck to continue to roll forward between adjoining clips. To qualify for this operation, the two adjoining clips must meet the following criteria:
There must be 5 seconds or less between the OUT point of the first clip and the IN point of the second clip.
The two clips must have the same video resolution and the same audio rate.
If you select this option, the system might occasionally capture more than is required.
Switch to emptiest drive if current drive is full
When this option is selected, the system switches to the target media storage drive with the most available space when the current target drive becomes full during batch capturing. The system switches before starting to capture the clip, based on the number of minutes in the clip. For complete instructions, see Batch Capturing Clips.
If you do not select this option, capturing stops when a drive becomes full.
Rewind tape when finished
When this option is selected, the system automatically rewinds tapes after batch capturing is finished.
Eject tape when finished
When this option is selected, the tape ejects as soon as the last shot from that tape has been used. This adds to efficiency since you can do other tasks while the tape is being used and yet still be alerted at the moment the tape is no longer needed.
Log errors to the console and continue capturing
When you select this option, the Avid editing system continues capturing if an error occurs during the capture process.
Capture the tracks logged for each clip
When you select this option, the Avid system records the tracks logged for each clip.
Use the audio sample rate logged for each clip
Select this option if you want the system to use the audio sample rate logged for each clip. Deselect this option to use the audio sample rate set for the audio card (shown in the Main tab in the Audio Projects Settings dialog box).
Use the audio sample size logged for each clip
Select this option if you want the system to use the audio sample size logged for each clip. Deselect this option to use the audio sample size set for the audio card (shown in the Main tab in the Audio Projects Settings dialog box).
Use the video compression logged for each clip
When you select this option, the Avid editing system uses the video compression logged for each clip.
See Also
Capture Settings

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to