Position (3D)

Parameter Type
Keyframeable. For more information, see Global Versus Keyframeable Parameters.
Moves an image in 3D space.
Use of Controls
Enable button
Click the Enable button to turn the Position parameter category on or off. The button is pink when the category is on and gray when it is off. Alt+click (Windows) or Command+click (Macintosh) the Enable button to reset the Position parameter controls to their default values.

XY Position button
Click the XY Position button on the right side of the Effect Editor to move the image directly on the X and Y axes in the Effect Preview monitor. For more information, see Manipulating 3D Effects Directly.

Moves the image along the screen's X axis (horizontally). Values range from –3000 to +3000, where 0 is the zero-point of the X axis. Negative values move the image to the left and positive values move the image to the right.

Moves the image along the screen's Y axis (vertically). Values range from –3000 to +3000, where 0 is the zero-point of the Y axis. Negative values move the image down and positive values move the image up.

Moves the image closer to or farther from the observer along the Z axis. Values range from –749 to +249, where zero is the zero-point of the Z axis. Negative values move the image away from the observer and positive values move the image toward the observer.
See Also
Moving in 3D Space

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to