Shear Input Parameters
Parameter Type
The Input parameters for the Shear effect control a transition effect that divides the foreground video into strips and slides them away in opposite directions to reveal the background video. For more information, see Shear.
Use of Controls
Sets the proportion of each clip to be displayed. A value of 0 displays all of the foreground clip; 100 displays all of the background clip. Typical keyframing is from 0 at the first keyframe to 100 at the last keyframe.

Min Width, Max Width
Sets the minimum and maximum possible width of the slats.

Width Randomness
Controls the variety of sizes of slats. The system creates slats of various widths in between the minimum and maximum width value.

Sets the randomness of when individual strips start moving. A value of 0 causes all strips to start at the same time.

Sets the direction of the effect. A value of 0 degrees is three o'clock; positive values move counterclockwise.

Random Seed
Sets the base number upon which all random values are calculated. Each value results in a different random effect.
  This parameter is not keyframeable.

Sets whether or not transformed areas are smoothed.
  This parameter is not keyframeable.

Swap Sources
Specifies whether to apply the effect to incoming or outgoing video.
  This parameter is not keyframeable.

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