The Advanced parameter category provides controls to compensate for differences in pixel shape between source and output, and to select input color levels.
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Source Has Square Pixels is enabled by default. The Avid Pan &
Zoom effect makes the calculations necessary to produce results
compatible with rectangular pixels.
When you deselect Source Has Square Pixels, the Avid Pan & Zoom
effect makes no changes to the pixel shape.
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The Level setting tells the effect how to treat the color levels in the
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RGB is for images with a black level of 0 and a white level of 255.
Most images you import into the Avid Pan & Zoom effect (except
those from a video source) use RGB values. The effect maps
colors to video black and white levels, which are 16 and 235
respectively. RGB is the default Level setting.
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601 refers to the ITU-R-601 standard for video black and white
levels. Select 601 in the rare case when you use images from a
video source. When you select 601 for the Level setting, the effect
makes no adjustment to color levels.