Parameter type: Global. For more information, see Global and Keyframeable Parameters.

The Path parameter controls how the Avid Pan & Zoom effect interpolates Position parameter changes between keyframes.
  Linear interpolation creates straight-line changes from one keyframe to the next.
  Spline interpolation smooths out changes between keyframes to create a more natural movement.
The Avid Pan & Zoom effect calculates a Spline path so that it is smooth through all points. If you move a point the effect recalculates the entire path.
  If you combine a Spline path with Constant velocity, when you move a keyframe the path recalculation might result in a change to the velocity of the effect.
See Also
Using Avid Pan & Zoom

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to