Parameter type: Keyframeable. For more information, see Global and Keyframeable Parameters.

The Avid Pan & Zoom effect uses Velocity In and Velocity Out at each keyframe to modify apparent camera speed as it pans across the image between keyframes. It modifies changes in the Zoom Factor setting in the same way.
The Velocity parameters divide the time between keyframes in half. Velocity In controls the rate of movement in the first half; Velocity Out controls the rate of movement in the second half.
Velocity Parameter Options 
Velocity In
For the first half of the time between the selected keyframe and the next keyframe (starting at the selected keyframe and ending at the midpoint between keyframes), the effect makes no modification to the pan and zoom movement. This results in apparent camera movement that begins immediately with no ease in.

The effect does not use the keyframe's Position parameters to calculate the speed of the effect. However, the effect still uses the keyframe's Position parameters to determine the path of the effect (the pan) and the keyframe's Zoom Factor to calculate the zoom between the selected keyframe and the next keyframe. For more information on using the Constant option, see Creating a Path with Constant Velocity.
When you select Constant for Velocity In, the effect automatically selects Constant for Velocity Out, and vice versa.

Ease In
For the first half of the time between the selected keyframe and the next keyframe (starting at the selected keyframe and ending at the midpoint between keyframes), the effect modifies the pan and zoom movement by providing a slight acceleration. To ease in and ease out of the entire effect, see Using Ease In and Ease Out.
Velocity Out
For the second half of the time between the selected keyframe and the next keyframe (starting at the midpoint and ending at the next keyframe), the effect makes no modification to the pan and zoom movement. This results in parameters that change at a constant rate up to the next keyframe.

Ease Out
For the second half of the time between the selected keyframe and the next keyframe (starting at the midpoint and ending at the next keyframe), the effect modifies the pan and zoom movement by providing a slight deceleration. To ease in and ease out of the entire effect, see Using Ease In and Ease Out.

The effect does not use the keyframe's Position parameters to calculate the speed of the effect. However, the effect still uses the keyframe's Position parameters in determining the path of the effect (the pan) and the keyframe's Zoom Factor to calculate the zoom between the selected keyframe and the next keyframe. For more information on using the Constant option, see Creating a Path with Constant Velocity.
When you select Constant for Velocity Out, the effect automatically selects Constant for Velocity In, and vice versa.

At the midpoint between the selected keyframe and the next keyframe, the image freezes (pan and zoom movement stops). Movement resumes at the next keyframe. The effect disregards the Velocity In value of the next keyframe.
If you have Background set to Video, the background continues to update.
See Also
Using Avid Pan & Zoom

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to