Adjusting the Transparency
After you select a color, you can select the color transparency.
To select the color transparency:
1. | |
Click and hold the appropriate Transparency Level box, depending on
whether the transparency will apply to the fill color of an object (Fill)
or will adjust a shadow (Shad) or border (Bord) around the selected
2. | |
In the pop-up control that appears, drag the slider to change the
transparency value.
The number in the Transparency Value box updates as you drag.
Values range from 0 (fully opaque) to 100 (fully transparent).
The Transparency Level box and the pop-up control both display the
text "Hi" with a background that changes from black to white. This
allows you to see the effect of your transparency adjustments as you
work. A completely white background represents a fully transparent
object or portion of an object.
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You might find it useful to turn off the shadow and shadow softness for an
object while experimenting with transparency. Set the shadow value to 0 in
the Shadow Depth text box and the softness value to 0 in the Soft Shadow
dialog box, as described in Working with Shadows.