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> Creating a Matte Key for Use with 3D Effects |
Creating a Matte Key for Use with 3D Effects
A matte key is an effect made up of three components:
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High-contrast image or matte
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Background image (the image that shows through the lightest part of
the matte)
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Foreground image (the image that shows through the darkest part of
the matte)
You can promote real-time 2D Matte Key effects (graphics imported with an alpha channel) to 3D effects and apply additional parameters, such as Shape Wipe effects, or X, Y, and Z positioning.
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You cannot promote matte keys created using the Matte Key effect from the
2D Effect Palette to a 3D matte key.
To create a matte key for use with 3D effects:
1. | |
Import a graphic file containing an alpha channel.
The Avid editing application creates a Matte Key clip when you import
the file.
2. | |
Edit the Matte Key clip into your sequence as an overlay.
3. | |
Ensure that Render On-the-Fly is enabled (displays a check mark in
the Clip menu) so you can see the matte key as you are working
with it.
5. | |
Select Tools > Effect Editor to open the Effect Editor, and apply
changes to additional parameters to achieve the effect you want.