Creating a Page Fold Transition
This example uses the Page Fold effect. This effect treats the foreground video channel as though it were a sheet of paper being folded to reveal another page beneath.
To create the Page Fold effect:
1. | |
Create a sequence with two clips: the outgoing video followed by the
incoming video.
2. | |
Open the Effect Palette by doing one of the following:
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In the Project window, click the Effects tab.
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Select Tools > Effect Palette.
3. | |
Click the 3D Effect category, and drag the 3D Page Fold effect to the
transition between the two clips.
4. | |
(Option) Adjust the default parameters for the curl by entering Effect
mode and adjusting the Curl, Radius, and Angle sliders in the Effect
Editor. You can also click in the Transition Effect Duration box in the
bottom of the Effect Editor, and type a new duration.
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This example assumes that you are creating a transition effect centered on
the cut between the incoming and outgoing video. Make sure you leave
enough material for the overlapping portions of the transition when you
mark the source material. If you receive an Insufficient Source message
when you apply an effect to the transition, you did not leave enough source
material to create the transition.