Editing with Imported Matte Key Clips
When an imported clip includes an alpha channel for keying the graphic over video, it appears in the bin with a key effect icon.
Both single-frame graphic images (such as a single JPEG file) and multiple-frame animation sequences (such as a JPEG file sequence) appear in the bin in the same form after import, and you use the same editing techniques for both. You can edit this type of clip into a sequence as a standard matte key overlay.
To edit a Matte Key clip into the sequence:
1. | |
Edit the main video sequence.
2. | |
Add a new track above the tracks in the sequence by selecting
Clip > New Video Track.
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You must edit Matte Key clips onto an upper track to achieve the keying
effect. If you edit a Matte Key clip onto track V1, for example, the image is
keyed over black unless track V1 contains nested tracks.
3. | |
Play the sequence, and mark an IN point and an OUT point where you
want to overlay the graphic.
4. | |
Load a Matte Key clip into the Source monitor. Mark an IN point
toward the center of the clip if it is a still.
5. | |
Drag the Matte Key clip from the Source monitor onto the upper track.
6. | |
Adjust effect parameters in the Effect Editor, if necessary, using
procedures described in Using the Effect Editor.
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If the keyed portions of the images are the reverse of the intended effect,
click Invert Key in the Foreground parameter category. For more
information, see Foreground.
7. | |
Use the standard effect editing procedures to preview, render, or play
the Matte Key clip.
 | |
Make sure the Record Track Monitor button for the topmost track is
selected in the Track Selector panel to see the complete effect.