Using the Chroma Key Effect and the RGB Keyer Effect
Chroma Key Effect
A Chroma Key effect replaces one part of the video image with another video image based on color. Most frequently, you use the Chroma Key effect with a foreground image shot in front of a highly saturated color screen that is keyed against a background image.
The Chroma Key effect includes several standard digital video effect (DVE) parameters such as scaling, position, and crop in addition to key parameters.
Use the Chroma Key effect when you want to work in real time, or when you need to adjust various DVE parameters of the foreground chroma key footage.
RGB Keyer Effect
The RGB Keyer effect is a non-real-time plug-in effect that includes additional parameters for fine-tuning the edges of the key and for applying post-key color correction (correction applied to the foreground image without affecting the key itself) to the foreground elements.
Use the RGB Keyer when working with full-screen chroma key footage that does not require DVE parameter adjustments such as repositioning or scaling, or when you need the RGB Keyer's post-key color correction capabilities to better match the foreground to the background.
| Chroma Key Effect icon |
| Color Preview window |
To create a Chroma Key effect or an RGB Keyer effect:
1. | |
Create a sequence with two video layers.
2. | |
Edit the background image onto track V1.
3. | |
Edit the foreground image onto track V2.
4. | |
Open the Effect Palette by doing one of the following:
| |
In the Project window, click the Effects tab.
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Select Tools > Effect Palette.
5. | |
Click the Key category.
6. | |
Drag either the Chroma Key Effect icon or the RGBKeyer icon from
the Effect Palette to the clip on track V2.
The Avid editing application adds the effect to the Timeline.
Ultimatte® blue is the default key color.
7. | |
Move the position indicator to the segment containing the effect in the
Timeline, and select Tools > Effect Editor.
The Effect Editor opens and displays parameters for adjusting the
8. | |
Open the Key parameter category (Chroma Key effect) or the Key
Color parameter category (RGB Keyer).
Ultimatte blue is the default key color. To match the key color more
closely to the color of the background screen used in the footage,
proceed with the following step.
9. | |
(Option) In the Key parameter category or Key Color parameter
category, click the Color Preview window to display the eyedropper
icon, and then drag the eyedropper to a representative region of the
background screen in the Composer monitor.
The Avid editing application keys off the primary key color, and the
key takes effect.
10. | |
Fine-tune the key by enabling additional parameter categories and
adjusting sliders as necessary:
– |
For more information, including descriptions of Secondary Key
and Spill Suppression parameters, see Key Parameters.