Collapsing Layers into One Submaster Effect
You can use the Collapse feature to build a multilayer effect and then nest the effect within a single Submaster effect in one step.
The Collapse feature allows you to build your effect at the topmost level and, when you are finished, collapse the layers automatically into one Submaster effect. This feature is useful for simplifying a sequence with complex compositing. Once you have collapsed a complex composite, you can easily add transition effects to the start and end of the newly created Submaster composite effect.
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You can also use the Collapse feature to simplify the deletion of multilayer
segment effects. After collapsing the effects, you can select the resulting
segment and press the Delete key twice to delete the effect and all the
After the tracks are collapsed into a Submaster effect, the Avid editing application recognizes a Submaster effect as a multilayer effect instead of a single-layer effect. This allows you to add chroma keys and other multilayer effects to the nested tracks within a Submaster effect.
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You can drag "two-channel" effects (such as chroma key) onto Submaster
effects if the Submaster segment contains two or more nested tracks. This is
useful after performing a Collapse operation to composite the newly
created Submaster over another background.
| Collapse button |
| Extract/Splice-in button |
| Lift/Overwrite button |
To collapse multiple layers into one Submaster effect:
1. | |
Select all the tracks you want to collapse. The tracks must be adjacent.
2. | |
Mark an IN point and an OUT point around the area to be collapsed.
3. | |
In the Tool palette, click the Collapse button.
To open the nested tracks again:
1. | |
Click either of the Segment Mode buttons (Extract/Splice-in or
Lift/Overwrite) below the Timeline.
2. | |
Double-click the Submaster effect.
To collapse a sequence (alternative procedure):
1. | |
Click either of the Segment Mode buttons (Extract/Splice-in or
Lift/Overwrite) below the Timeline.
2. | |
Select the segments you want to collapse.
3. | |
Click the Collapse button.